Jaclyn Severance
Jaclyn (Falkowski) Severance has worked in communications and public relations in the state of Connecticut for more than 15 years. She served as the director of communications and primary spokesperson for the Connecticut Office of the Attorney General before joining University Communications. She also previously served as the communications director for the Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee, as a press secretary for the Connecticut General Assembly’s Senate Democratic Caucus, and as the associate editor of Connecticut Lawyer magazine. Jaclyn earned a degree in communications, emphasizing in journalism, from the University of Hartford; studied photography at the Hartford Art School; and interned as a staff writer with the Hartford Courant. She and her husband and son live on a small, family farm in Connecticut’s Quiet Corner where they raise cashmere goats. Her beat includes human rights and global affairs, entrepreneurship and innovation, social work, behavioral sciences, student stories, and campus life.
Author Archive
Social Work Students on ‘Front Lines’ in Connecticut’s Congressional Offices
In October 2018, a Connecticut family celebrated the end of their seven-month stay at a church in Old Lyme. The parents, who had lived in New Britain for 18 years, sought sanctuary at the church when a federal deportation order threatened to send them to Pakistan after years spent struggling to obtain legal status. Their […]
June 17, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance
Mobile Crisis Service Reduces Youth ER Visits for Behavioral Health Needs, Says Study
Youth served by Mobile Crisis had a 22 percent reduction in their rate of risk for subsequent emergency room visits during the 18 months following the intervention, according to the UConn study.
June 12, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance
Please, Thank You, and the Impact of Online Politeness
A new UConn study shows answers to questions asked on the internet are more likely to be seen as high quality if they are perceived as polite, regardless of whether the information is actually useful or helpful.
June 5, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance
New 3D-Printed Technology Lowers Cost of Common Medical Test
'Anything that can be run by normal ELISA can be run by this, with the advantage of being less expensive, much faster, and accessible,' says UConn's Mohamed Sharafeldin.
May 22, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance
Career Outlook 2019: Soft Skills are the Name of the Game for Employers
“The people who have the most creativity, great communication skills … it’s just as important as the technical skills,” says Daniel Murphy ’06 (BUS) of Synchrony, who recruits UConn students.
April 30, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance
STAAR: The Unique Class in the Basement of UConn’s Sprague Hall
'We benefit just as much from this interaction ... as the S.T.A.A.R. students do,' says Inge-Marie Eigsti of UConn's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
April 29, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance
Students Use Modern Engineering to Restore Historic Hartford Tower
Keney Memorial Clock Tower's original chimes are now ringing again, thanks to a partnership between UConn and the City of Hartford.
April 26, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance
UConn Researchers to Help Design Resilient, Deep-Space Habitats
UConn researchers will be on the front line of a NASA-funded effort to advance the design of resilient, deep-space habitats for inhospitable environments such as the Moon.
April 18, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance
Environmental Studies Student Wins 2019 Truman, Udall Scholarships
Wanjiku Gatheru '20 (CAHNR) is the first student in UConn history to win these two prestigious national awards in the same year.
April 11, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance
UConn Expert Discusses Restraint and Seclusion in Public Schools
Educational psychology professor Brandi Simonsen, an expert on behavioral issues in schools, discusses the use of seclusion and restraint and alternatives to their use.
April 4, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance