Jessica Tommaselli
Author Archive
Gospel Choir Performs at Von der Mehden
The Voices of Freedom Gospel Choir sings at von der Mehden Recital Hall on Oct. 31. Photo by Jessica Tommaselli
November 3, 2009 | Jessica Tommaselli
Campus Radio Station Stages Concert
Greg Horbal of My Heart to Joy performs at the WHUS Presents Mischief After Dark concert on Oct. 30. Photo by Jessica Tommaselli
November 3, 2009 | Jessica Tommaselli
Fall Foliage
A scene on North Eagleville Road at midday, with trees in fall foliage. Photo by Jessica Tommaselli
November 3, 2009 | Jessica Tommaselli
Founder of Engineers Without Borders Addresses Students
Bernard Amadei, founder and president of Engineers Without Borders, addresses engineering students at the Student Union Theatre. Photo by Jessica Tommaselli
October 20, 2009 | Jessica Tommaselli
Lip Sync a Popular Homecoming Event
Lip Sync 2009, a popular Homecoming event, took place in Gampel Pavilion on Oct. 15. Photo by Frank Dahlmeyer
October 20, 2009 | Frank Dahlmeyer, and Jessica Tommaselli
Campus Parking Lots Are Going Green
The parking lots outside Field House and behind Towers Dining Hall have been resurfaced with an environmentally-friendly porous material. Photo by Jessica Tommaselli
September 30, 2009 | Jessica Tommaselli
Coffeehouse Explores Darwin, the Man Behind the Idea
Dan Seigerman, left, and Zak Kamin, senior acting majors, perform as Darwin and FitzRoy in the play 'After Darwin,' during a coffeehouse on Sept. 18. Photo by Jessica Tommaselli
September 22, 2009 | Jessica Tommaselli
Faculty Artwork on Display at Benton Museum
Associate professor Randall Hoyt speaks about his work, part of the Art Department Faculty Exhibition at the Benton Museum through Oct. 18. Photo by Jessica Tommaselli
September 11, 2009 | Jessica Tommaselli
Student Profile: Kolawole Ladoja
A childhood lesson instilled at his father’s knee led senior computer engineering major (Dec. ’07) Kolawole Ladoja to decide at an early age that he wanted to be an engineer. Returning to the U.S. after many years in Nigeria, Kolawole was convinced by both his impressions of the university and his mother’s urging, to attend […]
May 16, 2007 | Jessica Tommaselli
da Vinci Project Places Teachers in the Classroom
Engineering is a seldom-taught discipline in most secondary school systems nationwide. Yet engineering incorporates many of the core science and math subjects taught in America’s middle and high schools. The School of Engineering developed the da Vinci Project expressly to help teachers link the traditional math/science subjects with engineering in classrooms throughout New England. This […]
May 16, 2007 | Jessica Tommaselli