Kim Krieger
Kim Krieger has covered politics from Capitol Hill and energy commodities from the floor of the New York Mercantile Exchange. Her stories have exposed fraud in the California power markets and mathematical malfeasance in physics. And she knows what really goes on in the National Radio Quiet Zone. These days, Kim tells clear, compelling stories of the research at UConn. Her work connects Connecticut citizens and the press with the vast resources of their flagship public university. When not at UConn, she can be found kayaking among the beautiful Norwalk islands, digging in her garden, or occasionally enjoying the silence in the National Radio Quiet Zone.
Author Archive
Researchers Explain How Bacterial Products Get Inside Human Cells
The discovery may explain a mechanism by which bacteria can affect our health
November 30, 2023 | Kim Krieger
Researchers Heal Heavy Metal Poisoning from Implants
Breakthrough could be boon for those with hip or knee replacements
November 8, 2023 | Kim Krieger
Gel Repairs Cartilage Without Surgery, With Electricity
Instead of requiring surgery to insert a solid scaffold, the gel could be simply injected into the knee, a much less invasive procedure
October 26, 2023 | Kim Krieger
UConn Health Researchers Find that Youthful Proteins Help Nerves Regrow
'We are deciphering the mechanism of axon regeneration piece by piece'
October 19, 2023 | Kim Krieger
Opportunity Lights Up UConn Sustainable Energy Summit
'Make no mistake - UConn is going to hit its decarbonization goals and become a national leader in sustainable clean energy research and education'
October 5, 2023 | Kim Krieger
The Butternut’s Big Reveal
UConn undergraduates collaborate to reveal the genetic secrets of endangered species
September 13, 2023 | Kim Krieger
Bioengineers Test Better Way to Heal Chronic Wounds
'The dressing we developed enhances wound healing and prevents infections simultaneously'
August 14, 2023 | Kim Krieger
UConn Magazine: Advanced Cannabis Horticulture
Matt DeBacco wants each of his students to come out of this class with the chemistry, horticulture, and business know-how for a successful grow-out
July 26, 2023 | Kim Krieger
Strong as Glass
By building a structure out of DNA and then coating it with glass, researchers have created a very strong material with very low density
July 25, 2023 | Kim Krieger
Shorter Telomeres Point to Increased Alzheimer’s Risk
If longer telomeres actually reduce Alzheimer's risk, it’s one more reason for people to adopt a healthy lifestyle
June 28, 2023 | Kim Krieger