Taylor Graves

Author Archive

School of Pharmacy Honors 2023 Preceptors of the Year

Christopher Jensen and Lisa Holle announced as the Dennis J. Chapron, Advanced Pharmacy Practice preceptors of the year.

In Memoriam Anthony P. Simonelli

The School of Pharmacy Remembers Professor Emeritus, Dr. Anthony Peter Simonelli

A Note From the School of Pharmacy Dean

Dean Philip Hritcko echos President Radenka Maric's comments regarding the recent supreme court ruling.

Professor Nathaniel Rickles Chosen as Recipient of the Provost Award for Excellence in Community Engaged Scholarship

Professor Nathaniel Rickles, Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs and Professor of Pharmacy Practice, has been chosen as this year’s recipient for the Provost Award for Excellence in Community Engaged Scholarship (PAECES) in the Faculty Research Distinguished category.

Connecticut Passes Bill Granting Pharmacists Prescription Authority to Prescribe Hormonal and Emergency Contraception

The Dean and many faculty members of The UConn School of Pharmacy strongly advocated for the recent legislation and the school has begun developing a certification program to align with the new bill requirements.

UConn School of Pharmacy Partners with The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services at Middletown PrideFEST

UConn School of Pharmacy students and faculty member, C. Michael White, Pharm.D., partnered with The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) at the Middletown PrideFEST 2023 on June 3rd.

Two Pharmacy Students Elected as National Leaders in the American Pharmacist Association Academy of Student Pharmacists

The UConn School of Pharmacy is proud to highlight Selena Zhuo and Janette Wadolowski as they take on leadership roles in APhA-ASP

UConn School of Pharmacy 2023 Commencement Speakers

Dr. Trisha Bailey and Dr. Janet Kozakiewicz will be the commencement speakers for the UConn School of Pharmacy Sunday, May 7th.