NFL Games Can Affect Sponsors’ Stock Returns
Win or lose, professional sports outcomes have an impact on sponsors’ cash flow, according to a UConn School of Business study.
January 7, 2016 | Kenneth Best
Vote for Coach Ollie in NCAA Coaches Charity Challenge
Your vote can help men's basketball head coach Kevin Ollie win $100,000 for the Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center at UConn Health.
January 6, 2016 | Combined Reports
Renovated Building Opens for Waterbury Campus
A once-empty building has been renovated to host classrooms and study space for UConn Waterbury.
January 5, 2016 | Stephanie Reitz
#UConnBucketList: January
January brings the promise of a new year, a new semester, and the latest #UConnBucketList item.
January 4, 2016 | Elizabeth Caron
A Look Back at 2015: Research at the Forefront
Twelve stories about UConn research that advances our understanding of the world around us.
December 31, 2015 | Combined Reports
A Look Back at 2015: UConn Nation – Students
Twelve examples of students who are pursuing their passion at UConn.
December 30, 2015 | Combined Reports
A Look Back at 2015: Building Our Future
A roundup of news from UConn Nation in 2015, the first in a three-part series.
December 29, 2015 | Combined Reports
Football Player Scores One for the Record Book
Place kicker Bobby Puyol, UConn's MVP in the St. Petersburg Bowl on Saturday, hopes to score a sports management job after completing his degree in business.
December 28, 2015 | Claire Hall, School of Business
Dr. Laurencin Receives National Medal of Technology & Innovation
The White House honored Dr. Cato Laurencin of UConn and UConn Health on May 19, as a recipient of the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the nation's highest honor for technological achievement.
December 22, 2015 | Lauren Woods
Crowdfunding is New Way to Support UConn Programs
Employees can now create an online giving page to promote a UConn cause they are passionate about.
December 22, 2015 | Grace Merritt, UConn Foundation