College of Agriculture, Health & Natural Resources

John Bovay

Agricultural economist measures impact of forthcoming federal GMO labeling law

A new label on food packaging could soon alter the purchasing habits of American shoppers and significantly affect producer operations. A federal law will take effect in July 2018 that informs consumers about the genetic science that may be at work behind their favorite foods. This designation may lead to price increases and other far-reaching […]

Luo lab

Researcher uses nanotechnology to design food-based nutrient delivery systems for treatment and prevention of chronic diseases

Yangchao Luo’s passion is food. At home, Luo likes to cook Chinese food and tasty soups for his toddler daughter. In his lab at UConn, where he holds his primary appointment as assistant professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences and  joint appointments in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Institute of Materials Sciences, he focuses […]

Horticulturist brings patience and perseverance to development of new plant cultivars

It takes years of perseverance and patience to bring a new plant cultivar to market. Mark Brand, professor in the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, has what it takes to plod through this lengthy process. To date, his lab has introduced twenty-seven new cultivars and currently has about a half dozen others in trials, of […]

health clinic

Physical therapy program provides care to migrant farmers at health clinics

Students and faculty from the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Program in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR) have been volunteering since 2008 to help bring health care to Connecticut’s migrant and seasonal farm workers, a medically underserved population. Every year thousands of migrant agricultural laborers journey to Connecticut to work at the state’s farms, orchards, […]

Robots are coming to the dairy center

Robots vacuum floors and assist surgeons. Soon, they will be milking the UConn dairy herd. To house the robots, a 3,000-square-foot Kellogg Dairy Center addition is underway with an expected opening in April 2018. When it is finished, the facility will be among the first voluntary milking systems installed at a university. This state-of-the art […]

Food safety website provides answers for consumers and producers

Storms like hurricanes Harvey and Irma can create a public health nightmare, leading to safety issues of all kinds, including food safety concerns. How long will food remain safe to eat if your refrigerator fails? How do you disinfect your kitchen? Is produce safe to eat? Find the answers to most food safety questions for […]

Tom Worthley leads Natural Resources Conservation Academy participants in the UConn Forest.

College Walktober events offers visitors the great outdoors in Storrs

This October, the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources will host three Walktober events, offering visitors the opportunity to explore the great outdoors on and near the UConn Storrs Campus. Each year, The Last Green Valley, Inc., a federally designated National Heritage Corridor comprising 35 towns in eastern Connecticut and south-central Massachusetts, organizes Walktober, a month-plus-long opportunity to explore […]

Ryan Curtis, KSI associate director of athlete performance and safety, runs on a treadmill at the Mission Heat Lab at the Korey Stringer Institute at Gampel Pavilion on Sept. 21, 2017. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

One-of-a-kind heat lab opens in CAHNR

Competing, training and doing physical work in hot or humid conditions trigger complex responses in the body, which diminish performance and put some people at risk for heat-related illness or death. Now, UConn has a one-of-a kind facility to test individuals in a tightly controlled environment to see how their bodies react to heat. It […]

Ryan Curtis, KSI associate director of athlete performance and safety, runs on a treadmill at the Mission Heat Lab at the Korey Stringer Institute at Gampel Pavilion on Sept. 21, 2017. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

New Lab Opens to Test Human Performance Limits in Heat

The new MISSION Heat Lab at UConn’s Korey Stringer Institute, which is outfitted with the latest in climate control technologies and human performance monitoring systems, opens today.

Cameron Faustman

Interim dean values College’s people-centered culture

As a former undergraduate student, assistant professor, associate professor, professor, interim department head, department head, associate dean and, now, current interim dean, Cameron Faustman has a deep and wide knowledge of the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR) and its people. He has nearly 29 years of professional experience in the College. “It is a […]