College of Agriculture, Health & Natural Resources

Mariana Fragomeni

Meet new faculty member Mariana Fragomeni

In January 2020, the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture  welcomed Mariana Fragomeni as an assistant professor. She had been an adjunct professor during the 2019 academic year. Originally from Brazil, Fragomeni lived in Michigan for periods of her childhood, as required by her father’s employment with Ford Motor Company. She moved to the […]

Arlene Arnold

Meet alumna Arlene Arnold

Arlene Arnold believes in embracing life and the opportunities that follow. A love of music led her to a bachelor’s and master’s degree in music from the University of Hartford. Then an interest in ornithology and conservation guided her to CAHNR, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in natural resources, followed by a master’s degree […]

Jacqueline Cuevas Gonzalez, Kasidy Quiles, and Lavar Johnson

Three CAHNR students selected as McNair Fellows

Three students from CAHNR have been chosen as UConn McNair Fellows for the fall 2020 semester. Jacqueline Cuevas Gonzalez has just completed her sophomore year in the Department of Allied Health Sciences (AHS), while Kasidy Quiles and Lavar Johnson have just completed their freshman year in AHS. The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program, funded […]

Matthew Costello

Meet graduate student Matthew Costello

Matthew Costello always intended to pursue a career that could positively affect the world and make a difference in the lives of those around him. He chose to research infectious diseases and prepare for possible outbreaks, and now, three years into his graduate work, he finds himself in the middle of a pandemic. He says […]


Life goes on at UConn animal barns during COVID-19 pandemic

While the horses graze in the pastures surrounding the Department of Animal Science facilities, they seem oblivious to the COVID-19 pandemic as their days simply hum along. Staff continue to work diligently caring for the animals, with the upmost attention being paid to their health and well-being. “Every animal is being cared for and maintained […]

START Proof of Concept Awards Announced

Through support from the CTNext Higher Education Fund, the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) has been able to administer the START Preliminary Proof-Of-Concept (PPOC) Fund to help advance promising technologies towards commercialization. The OVPR has recently finalized award decisions for the first three quarters funding rounds of the program. START recipients are […]

Nick Kavadas

Meet alumnus Nick Kavadas

Nick Kavadas, a 2019 graduate of the Landscape Architecture program, works as a landscape designer for Milone and MacBroom, a civil engineering and landscape architecture firm. Read about how his academics at UConn prepared him for a career in landscape architecture.   What was your major in the College? When did you graduate? With what degree?  […]

Hedley Freake leads the banners during the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources Commencement procession

Scientist, educator, Fulbright Scholar Hedley Freake will deliver Commencement address

Professor Hedley Freake will deliver the Commencement address to the CAHNR Class of 2020 on May 9. After more than three decades as a faculty member in the Department of Nutritional Sciences, Hedley Freake plans to retire. He’s not sure what his next chapter will bring. “I’m not looking to fill my time immediately,” he […]

Spring 2020 Scholarship Facilitation Fund Announcement

Through this program, the OVPR is able to provide up to $2,000 to UConn faculty across all disciplines, on a competitive basis, to promote, support, and enhance research, scholarship and creative endeavors.

Tricia Leahey

Researcher studies behavioral economic and mHealth interventions for weight loss

Obesity is one of the leading causes of preventable death. People with overweight and obesity are at a heightened risk for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and several types of cancer, among other diseases. With nearly 40 percent of American adults suffering from obesity per by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity is […]