College of Engineering

Douglass Family Establishes Scholarship in Engineering

Alumnus Michael Douglass (B.S. Electrical Engineering, ’79) and his wife, Tamela Richards, recently donated $25,000 to the University of Connecticut to establish an undergraduate scholarship in electrical engineering. Mr. Douglass is employed by Dallas-based Texas Instruments, which matched their gift 100% to create a $50,000 endowment that will support the Richard and Helen Douglass Endowed […]

Paper Featured in Nature Physics

Doctoral candidate Mehdi DaneshPanah, along with his advisor, Dr. Bahram Javidi, UConn Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Dr. Edward A. Watson (Wright Patterson Air Force Base) have garnered high profile recognition for their research. A paper authored by the three was summarized in the journal, Nature Physics (Vol. 4, […]

UCMA Lands Major Chapter Awards

The UConn chapter of Material Advantage (UCMA) received two international awards at the 2008 Materials Science & Technology Conference & Exhibition in Pittsburgh. The honors included one of only five Chapter of Excellence Awards, along with the World Materials Day Award. Three UCMA officers attended the conference: senior Salay Stannard, UCMA president, and graduate students […]

Team Lands $750K for Biocomputing Research

An interdisciplinary team of researchers from UConn and the universities of Florida and Minnesota captured a $750,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to conduct research involving molecular computing. The three-year project is led by principal investigator Dr. Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, director of the Booth Engineering Center for Advanced Technology and the UTC Chair Professor of […]

Big Blue Goes Green Under Environmental Leader Nunes

Alumna Sharon Nunes (M.S., Ph.D., Materials Science, ’80, ’83) relishes her role as Vice President of Big Green Innovations in IBM’s Systems & Technology Group (STG). The initiative, unveiled in early 2007, positions IBM as a world leader in developing and propagating environmental conservation strategies and analytical techniques across the technology sector. Big Green Innovations […]

Dr. Wu Receives NSF Funding for Genomic Models

Assistant professor of Computer Science & Engineering Dr. Yufeng Wu and two collaborators from the University of California – Davis captured a three-year grant totaling $900,000 from the National Science Foundation to develop algorithms that will allow researchers to better understand the origin and manifestations of genomic traits and to develop more accurate biological models. […]

Transforming Engineers into Entrepreneurs

Marcian Hoff invented the world’s first microprocessor; John Bardeen co-invented the transistor; Seymour Cray, the father of supercomputing, co-founded Cray Research; Stephen Wozniak co-founded Apple Computer; Karlheinz Brandenberg co-developed the MP3 compression scheme. The role of engineers in fostering innovation and business startups is legendary. But starting a new business is among the riskiest paths […]

Team Completes Installation of Ethiopian Weather Stations

Dr. Mekonnen Gebremichael, assistant professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, and a team of UConn undergraduate and graduate students traveled to Ethiopia during summer 2008 to install weather stations in the Beressa watershed of the Blue Nile basin region, about 75 miles from the capital, Addis Ababa. It was Dr. Gebremichael’s second expedition to Ethiopia […]

Engineering to Host Fall Career Fair

The School of Engineering will host its first school-wide Career Fair on Tuesday, October 28th and Wednesday, October 29th, 2008. The Tuesday event will take place in the Rome Commons Ballroom, and the Wednesday fair will be held in the Student Union Ballroom. The fair hours are noon until 4:00 p.m. both days. “This is […]

Save the Date: Holiday Alumni Reception

Please join us at Hartford’s famed The Bushnell performing arts center for a delightful evening of networking, reminiscing with fellow UConn Engineering alumni, and catching up on activities of your alma mater. Meet Dean of Engineering Mun Y. Choi and faculty members from the School of Engineering. Enjoy the sounds and flavors of the season. […]