Neag School of Education

Dr. Michael Alfano has Been Promoted to Executive Director of Teacher Education Programs at the Neag School

Dr. Michael Alfano has been promoted to executive director of teacher preparation programs in the Neag School of Education at UConn to take over for Dr. Wendy Glenn who is returning to a teaching role within the Neag School. In his new role, he will be responsible for overseeing the Office of Teacher Education, along with directing the […]


It’s Not the Time Spent in School, It’s How It’s Used

Quantity of time can’t be translated into quality of learning, says a UConn education professor.


Preventing School Bullying Behavior

A UConn expert talks about a behavioral program that is making an impact in schools nationwide.

Briana Hennessy gathers with students while in Tanzania.

UConn Undergrad Does the Research, Does the Math

Education major Briana Hennessy traveled to Tanzania earlier this summer to teach math.

Neag Alumnus Elected President of the National School Boards Association

Mary Broderick has always gravitated toward education. As an English major undergraduate, she had just completed her MBA when she first moved to East Lyme, CT. At the time, her children were very young and she started attending board of education meetings for the East Lyme school system, which had 2,600 students (it’s now up […]

Dr. Jason Irizarry Publishes Book on “The Latinization of U.S. Schools: Successful Teaching and Learning in Shifting Cultural Contexts”

Despite the rise in Latino population in the United States, academic achievement in schools is scarcely recognized among Latino youth. Dr. Jason G. Irizarry, an assistant professor of multicultural education in the Neag School of Education’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction, analyzed this issue of underachievement in his recently published book, The Latinization of U.S. Schools: Successful […]

In Age of Internet, Noted UConn Researcher Pioneers New Tactics for Teaching Reading

A child reads information in a school textbook. A child then reads on the Internet. Is reading the same? No, says Dr. Donald Leu, a prominent reading researcher, director of UConn’s internationally renowned New Literacies Research Lab in the Neag School of Education and the John and Maria Neag Endowed Chair in Literacy and Technology.  “This is a digital […]

Mentor Connection Students Get Crash Course in Archaeology

Three students enrolled in the program barely had time for introductions before the work began.

Sharon White Appointed as Stamford Campus Director

White has led the campus as interim director for a year.

Graduating Noyce Scholars Bring Something Extra to the Classroom

NSF-funded scholarships help professionals change careers to teach science and math.