School of Pharmacy
Quarterly Recap of Pharmacy Faculty Research Grants – FY2020 Q2 and Q3
Recapping the quarters beginning October 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020, the UConn School of Pharmacy congratulates the following Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy Practice faculty and their teams for their research grant awards* totaling $6,002,715 : Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences: Robin H. Bogner, Ph.D. MedImmune Identifying the Causes for Long Reconstitution Times: Phase […]
May 26, 2020 | Karin Whiting Burgess
Myth Busters: the Facts on Dietary Supplements and COVID-19
Vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, elderberry, and silver nutritional supplements have all made recent headlines in the fight against the coronavirus. But do they really work? UConn School of Pharmacy faculty pharmacists, Drs. Kathleen Adams, William Baler, and Diana Sobieraj crunched the evidence based data in a recent article in the Annals of Pharmacotherapy. The […]
May 19, 2020 | Karin Whiting Burgess
2020 Pharmacy Faculty Promotions
UConn’s Board of Trustees recently approved the following promotions among School of Pharmacy faculty in recognition of their continued high quality contributions to the academic mission of the University. Bodhisattwa (Bodhi) Chaudhuri, Ph.D. has been promoted from associate professor to professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. He currently holds associate professor positions in the Departments […]
May 18, 2020 | Karin Whiting Burgess
UConn Microbiome Seed Fund Recipients
Through this program, the OVPR is able to provide up to $50,000 to UConn faculty to support innovative and collaborative research proposals that will lead to new proposals for extramural funding in microbiome research.
May 15, 2020 | Karin Whiting Burgess
School of Pharmacy Holds First Virtual Commencement
On May 9 UConn’s School of Pharmacy graduated 163 pharmacy students, conferring degrees (virtually via UConn’s feed) to four Doctors of Philosophy, seventy-four Doctors of Philosophy, and eight-five Bachelors of Science. It was a historic celebration caused by COVID-19 restrictions that worked to pull students and families across the globe together online to celebrate the […]
May 11, 2020 | Karin Whiting Burgess
Thomas Menighan, APhA VP, CEO is Pharmacy’s First Virtual Commencement Speaker
On Saturday, May 9 Thomas E. Menighan, B. S. Pharm, MBA, (Hon) ScD shared his thoughts in a virtual Commencement for three UConn School of Pharmacy graduating classes (Ph.D., Pharm.D., and B.S.) , their families and friends across the region, country and world. It was a momentous occasion, a part of UConn’s larger University wide celebration, […]
May 11, 2020 | Karin Whiting Burgess
Spring 2020 Scholarship Facilitation Fund Announcement
Through this program, the OVPR is able to provide up to $2,000 to UConn faculty across all disciplines, on a competitive basis, to promote, support, and enhance research, scholarship and creative endeavors.
May 1, 2020 | Karin Whiting Burgess
C. Michael White Named UConn Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor
The UConn School of Pharmacy is pleased to announce that on April 29, 2020, Dr. C. Michael White, Head of Pharmacy Practice, was named a UConn Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor. The Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor is the highest honor that the University of Connecticut bestows on faculty who have demonstrated excellence in teaching, […]
April 30, 2020 | Karin Whiting Burgess
Op-Ed: No, CBD is Not a Miracle Molecule that Can Cure Coronavirus
Claims for CBD's effectiveness in treating coronavirus are baseless hype rather than evidence-based evaluations, says UConn's C. Michael White.
April 24, 2020 | C. Michael White, professor and head of the Department of Pharmacy Practice
Liming Chen is Molecular Pharmacology’s April 2020 Trainee Author
Liming Chen, a pre-doctoral trainee in the School of Pharmacy’s Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, has been selected as Molecular Pharmacology ‘s highlighted trainee author for April 2020. This monthly feature highlights emerging scientific talent in the field of pharmacology. Molecular Pharmacology is the journal of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET). Quoting the feature, “The […]
March 30, 2020 | Karin Whiting Burgess