School of Pharmacy

Close-up of a newborn baby holding life-support hoses and cables tight in his hand. (Getty Images)

Op-ed: Should We Limit Spending on Lifesaving Drugs?

Specialty drugs have been responsible for three-quarters of spending growth on medications in the U.S. in the past five years. Pharmacy professor C. Michael White debates the options for how society can respond.

Dual PharmD/MBA Degree Provides Career Options

Combining the study of pharmacy with a business degree exposes graduates to a variety of career opportunities.

Sandra Weller, left, and postdoctoral fellow Lorry Grady, examine a sample. (Janine Gelineau/UConn Health Photo)

Thinking like an Entrepreneur to Advance Science

Sandra Weller has adapted her decades of research on herpes simplex to address the related cytomegalovirus, which has even more serious effects. She hopes her work will lead to a treatment option with commercial potential.

A pharmacist prepares to grind up a potion from unidentified pills the old-fashioned way. (AP Photo/Ruben Goldberg, via The Conversation)

Op-ed: Why Amazon Should Keep Prescription Drugs Off its Voluminous Shelves

A UConn pharmacy professor suggests that Amazon’s proposal to dispense prescription drugs could lead to serious medication-related errors and even deaths, and adversely affect the environment.

Charles F. Caley, Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice, speaking to seminar attendees. (Sheila Foran/UConn Photo)

The Community Pharmacist’s Role in Improving Outcomes for Patients with Mental Illness

Community pharmacists play an important role in improving outcomes for patients with mental illness.

Jose Manautou, Professor of Toxicology

José Manautou Named to National Advisory Council

Service on NAEHSC means making a difference at the highest levels of research affecting environmental health.

Science in Seconds

Got a Minute?

Catch up on the latest research happening at UConn. In laboratories, in hospitals, and in the field, researchers are gathering data to answer critical questions facing our global community.

Members of the Class of 2017.

Sights and Sounds of Commencement 2017

More than 9,000 degrees – both undergraduate and graduate – will be awarded this year, which is the highest number of degrees conferred at UConn in the University's 136-year history.

Jason Funaro and Marie Smith, Assistant Dean for Practice and Public Policy Partnerships. (Sheila Foran/UConn Photo)

Loyalty to UConn and their Profession Characterize Funaro Family

When Jason Funaro marches at the 2017 commencement ceremony, he will be treading in the footsteps of his parents and grandparents.

Brendan Clark (left) and Tyler Ackley will be entering the PharmD program in the fall of 2017. (Sheila Foran/UConn Photo)

TIP Internship Program Delivers Big Rewards

Ask associate professor of reconstructive sciences Caroline Dealy to rate the success of the Technology Incubation Program’s (TIP) summer internship program so far and she says she’d give it an A+. She  hastens to add that she may be just a tad biased — it was her brainchild after all — but she stands by […]