
Dodd prize

Corporate Social Responsibility Group to Receive Dodd Human Rights Prize

The London-based Business and Human Rights Resource Center will receive the prize at the Dodd Research Center on Nov. 13.

Tom Scheinfeldt, associate professor of digital media and design and director of digital humanities in the Digital Media Center, who will head the new Scholarly Communications Design Studio at UConn. (Peter Morenus/UConn File Photo)

Digital Humanities Expert Tom Scheinfeldt Joins UConn Faculty

Scheinfeldt is an authority on the intersection of digital media and the traditional humanities.

Students are overwhelmed with snow as they exit the Field House.

Storm Season at UConn: What You Need to Know

University officials outline the policy and procedures for early releases, delays, or closing due to inclement weather.

The Vice Provost for Diversity Pre-doctoral and Post MFA In-Residence Fellows, from left, Quan Tran, Melissa Huerta, Amanda Almond, and LaToya Eaves. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Path to the Professoriate

UConn’s new Diversity In-Residence Fellowships provide future college professors with an opportunity for scholarly development.

Pharmacist (Shutterstock)

Making Pharmacists Part of the Primary Care Team

In a Health Affairs analysis, a UConn professor makes the case for increasing the role of pharmacists in providing front-line care.

The TEDxUConn team, from left: Shervin Etemad, Lior Trestman, S'ha Siddiqi, Sam Menza, Dan Violette, Rosy Cersonsky, David Ritter, Sam Turek, Rebecca D'Angelo, Tom Benneche, Dillon Jones, Katie Hires, Meredith Milligan, and Alexandra Buda. (Shervin Etemad/UConn Photo)

TEDxUConn: It’s About Time

Billed as a discussion of trends (technological, sociocultural, and global), the first TEDxUConn also built a consortium of friends.

Jenica Allen, assistant professor-in-residence, teaches an outdoor ecology class in the UConn Forest. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Classrooms Without Walls

From Storrs Center to the UConn Forest, there are many opportunities for outdoor learning close to the heart of campus.

Chrissy Nadeau '14 MA, center, leads the East Hampton High School Band as part of a program that invites high school band leaders and their students to practice with the UConn Marching Band before football games so they can learn how to improve their own performance on Sept. 19, 2013. (Juanita Austin '15 (SFA)/UConn Photo)

Learning to March with Pride

High school students learn from the UConn Marching Band, while music education students practice the skills to be a future band director.

Miller Oberman, a doctoral candidate in poetry, in the Homer Babbidge Library on Oct. 14, 2013. (Ariel Dowski '14 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

Poetry Graduate Student Wins National Translation Prize

Miller Oberman, the first student ever to win the award, was recognized for his translation of an 8th-century poem.

The Effect of Socioeconomic Status on How the Brain Processes Sound

A UConn researcher has found that children of parents with low levels of education hear differently than their peers.