Down and Dirty
Justin Rivera, left, and Jack Dineen, participate in an archeological field school as part of a Kids Are Scientists Too (KAST) program. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)
August 1, 2011 | Sean Flynn/UConn Photo
Young Scientists Get Their Feet Wet With Project Oceanology
Project Oceanology gives young marine scientists a chance to explore their environment. (David Colberg/UConn Photo)
July 29, 2011 | David Colberg, UConn Photo
Seaweed: The New Trend in Water Purification
A UConn biologist is turning his enthusiasm for seaweed into a new system for cleaning up waterways.
Garden Has Roots in the Community
A vegetable garden in Hartford is a collaboration between the Health Center and community partners.
A Writer’s Writer
Valerie Martin's prizewinning novels are compelling but not comforting, says an English professor.
July 25, 2011 | Karen A. Grava, CLAS Today
Henna Tattoos Are A Work of Art
Henna tattoos were the body art of the day for Thankful It’s Thursday on July 21. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)
July 25, 2011 | Peter Morenus/UConn Photo
Master Gardeners Thrive on Sharing Knowledge
These skilled gardeners volunteer their expertise in community settings across the state.
Nine Health Center Scientists Sharing $4.4M in State Stem Cell Grants
Ten scientists at the University of Connecticut—nine from the UConn Health Center—received grant awards totaling $5.7 million from the Connecticut Stem Cell Research Advisory Committee, to support their pioneering embryonic stem cell research. Included in the awards to UConn scientists, was $1.29 million to Chondrogenics Inc., a new start-up company based at the Health Center, […]
Ten UConn Researchers Receive State Stem Cell Funding
One of the awards will fund preclinical trials at a new start-up company based at the Health Center.
Coping with Climate Change
Connecticut's cities and towns are taking up the challenges of climate change at a local level.
July 21, 2011 | Cindy Weiss, CLAS Today