Research & Discovery
Summer Undergraduate Researcher Malachi Bridges ’21 (CLAS)
Malachi Bridges '21 (CLAS) is spending the summer researching racial disparities in rates of home ownership.
July 15, 2020 | Mike Enright '88 (CLAS), University Communications
Meet the Researcher Beth Russell, Human Development and Family Sciences
For researcher Beth Russell, her work is not only fascinating, it has potentially far-reaching impacts on people's daily lives.
July 15, 2020 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research
UConn Researchers Receive Patent for Diabetes-Sensing Breathalyzer
UConn VP for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Radenka Maric and former graduate student Rishabh Jain recently received a patent for their breath sensor technology to detect various chronic diseases.
July 10, 2020 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research
Meet the Researcher: Raman Bahal, School of Pharmacy
Raman Bahal explores research that he hopes to move "from bench to bedside," furthering treatments for patients in clinical settings.
July 9, 2020 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research
UConn Library, School of Engineering to Expand Handwritten Text Recognition
The UConn Library and the School of Engineering are working to unlock handwritten works from history for contemporary scholars.
July 9, 2020 | Jean Nelson '04 MS, The UConn Library
Neither Natural Nor Safe: Compounded Bioidentical Hormones Need Better Evidence
A category of hormone treatments often promoted as safe and "natural" need far more study and research to evaluate those claims, according to a UConn expert.
July 8, 2020 | Kim Krieger
‘Evolution Makes the World Less Ragged’
Although evolution and ecological systems have long been distinct areas of study, UConn researchers say there's compelling evidence to suggest the two are closely connected.
July 6, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
Life-hack: Rituals Spell Anxiety Relief
Performing rituals can have measurable calming effects on people, according to new research.
June 30, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
UConn Professor Successfully Demonstrates Delivery of Microscopic Powerhouses to Liver in Animals
A groundbreaking experiment by a UConn researcher marks the first time mitochondria have ever been successfully introduced into specific cells in living animals.
June 25, 2020 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research
Atomwise Partnership Enables UConn Researcher to Investigate COVID-19 Drug Target
Through a collaboration with Atomwise, UConn researcher James Cole is studying a coronavirus protein target for potential COVID-19 treatment.
June 22, 2020 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research