Climate change
Evolving to Cope with Climate Change
A UConn marine sciences professor is measuring the potential of an important fish species to adapt to an increasingly acidic ocean.
March 5, 2015 | tmiller
Sailing the Mid-Century Arctic
Geographer Scott Stephenson is charting the possibilities for the future of Arctic shipping lanes under various climate change scenarios.
January 14, 2015 | Kim Krieger
Big Data and the Science of the Christmas Tree
A UConn bioinformatics researcher is helping develop tools that will enable more scientists to start finding meaning in massive amounts of data.
December 16, 2014 | Christine Buckley
Geoscientist Lisa Park Boush Joins UConn Faculty
The new director of the Center for Integrative Geosciences specializes in climate history over time, and how it affects ecosystems.
September 25, 2014 | Bri Diaz, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Law professor Joe MacDougald discusses a recent Supreme Court decision that challenges the EPA’s authority to regulate emissions from power plants.
June 27, 2014 | Joe MacDougald, UConn Center for Energy & Environmental Law
Beneath the Arctic Polar Cap
As the Arctic polar cap melts at an astonishing rate, UConn’s UnderWater Sensor Network Lab is developing a wireless system to collect data in the region.
June 11, 2014 | William Weir, School of Engineering
Weathering the Storm
Bought a generator recently? Stocked up on groceries ahead of a storm? Then you're practicing a form of adaptation.
March 3, 2014 | Rich Miller, director, Office of Environmental Policy
New Institute to Focus on Adapting to Climate Change
The Institute for Community Resiliency and Climate Adaptation will develop best practices for managing the risks from extreme weather events.
January 24, 2014 | Sheila Foran
Global Warming: The Conversation We Need to Have
The recent frigid weather in the U.S. and a 2013 increase in polar ice do not change the basic physics of global warming, says climate scientist Anji Seth.
January 14, 2014 | Rich Miller, Office of Environmental Policy
UConn is Sierra Club’s No. 1 ‘Coolest School’
UConn has won the top spot in 'Sierra' magazine’s nationwide rankings for efforts to encourage sustainability, green technology, and environmental stewardship.
August 14, 2013 | Stephanie Reitz