University Life

From left: Mallory Walsh ’14 (CLAS) and Victoria South ’14 (BUS), members of the Student Philanthropy Committee, on Tuition Runs Out Day, held on March 23.

Student Committee Encourages Others to Give Back

The Student Philanthropy Committee aims to build awareness of the importance of giving.

Jenna Van Dugteren '12 (CLAS).

In WiMSE, Van Dugteren Experiences Everything

A woman making a difference with math, science, and engineering.

Making Connections

Each summer, RAs call all the students on their floor to say hello before they move in.

Dayton Horvath, a rising senior majoring in chemistry, just returned from Fudan University in Shanghai, China where he attended the Universitas 21 Undergraduate Research Conference. During his stay in Shangai, Horvath snapped skyline photos of the city taken in both daylight and after dark.

U21 Conference Draws Three UConn Students to Shanghai

The Shanghai skyline at dusk, taken by one of three UConn students attending the Universitas 21 Undergraduate Research Conference at Fudan University, China. (Dayton Horvath for UConn)

From left, UConn students Grace Vasington, Savannah Williams, Rachael Nave, and Dovile Vilkauskaite on a visit to Belfast Castle during their trip to Ireland to attend the U21 summer school.

Studying Conflict Resolution in the Home of ‘The Troubles’

Five UConn undergraduates spent nearly two weeks in Ireland at the Universitas 21 summer school.

President Announces New Campus Book Program

UConn Reads is designed to foster a constructive 'culture of argument.'

Henna Tattoos Are A Work of Art

Henna tattoos were the body art of the day for Thankful It’s Thursday on July 21. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Google Named to Host Student Email Systems

UITS says so long to the much maligned Husky Mail and hello to Google.

Relay for Life Draws Students to Fight Cancer

UConn students walked around the CLAS quad to raise money for the fight to end cancer during the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life on April 8-9. Photo by Ariel Dowski

Picture Yourself Eco-Friendly

Freshman Jillian Comolli poses with a water bottle with her photo on it. The SUBOG Daytime Committee gave personalized, eco-friendly water bottles to students on April 1. Photo by Ariel Dowski