University News
Lobo Named Recipient of NCAA Silver Anniversary Award
The NCAA will recognize Lobo and the other honorees during the 2020 NCAA Convention on Jan. 22 in Anaheim, Calif.
December 27, 2019 | Athletic Communications
Wawa Gatheru, UConn’s First Rhodes Scholar, Honored by State Leaders at Capitol
UConn's first Rhodes Scholar, Wawa Gatheru, was honored by Gov. Ned Lamont and lawmakers at the state Capitol in Hartford.
December 19, 2019 | Stephanie Reitz
Synchrony Digital Technology Center Dedicated; Gift to Connecticut Commitment Announced
Synchrony donates $1 million to the Connecticut Commitment as its new Digital Technology Center opens at UConn Stamford.
December 16, 2019 | Mike Enright '88 (CLAS), University Communications
UConn Receives $3M Gift For Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Research
An anonymous donor has gifted $3 million to endow two new research positions in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
December 12, 2019 | Grace Merritt, UConn Foundation
UConn Adopts New Five-Year Tuition Plan With Lowest Increases in Recent History
The UConn Board of Trustees has adopted a tuition plan that calls for the lowest increase in recent history.
December 11, 2019 | Stephanie Reitz
UConn Proposes Five-Year Tuition Plan With Lowest Increases in Recent History
UConn's new five-year tuition proposal was crafted with the goal of balancing affordability with protecting and strengthening academic quality.
December 5, 2019 | Stephanie Reitz
Student Leader Wanjiku (Wawa) Gatheru Named UConn’s First Rhodes Scholar
Wanjiku (Wawa) Gatheru, a highly accomplished student leader whose academic achievements have garnered national recognition, has been selected as the University of Connecticut’s first Rhodes Scholar.
November 24, 2019 | Stephanie Reitz
UConn Gets “Skin Smart,” Earns National Skin Cancer Prevention Recognition
UConn is one of just 11 universities to win the distinction of being a Platinum-level Skin Smart Campus for its dedication to preventing skin cancer.
November 20, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance
UConn Reminds Campuses About Inclement Weather Policies
Guidance on early releases, delays or cancellations due to inclement weather.
November 11, 2019 | Combined Reports
2019 Dodd Prize Goes to Justice Advocate
The 2019 Dodd Prize was awarded to equal justice advocate Bryan Stevenson.
November 8, 2019 | Tom Breen