uconn.edu Homepage
Increasing Diversity in Talented and Gifted Programs
UConn’s Neag School of Education receives top funding for talented and gifted research.
October 16, 2014 | Colin Poitras
UConn Alum Pledges Total of $8 Million for Soccer Complex
Together with a previous $3 million gift, the donor's total pledge of $8 million is the largest gift to date for UConn Athletics.
October 13, 2014 | Kristina Goodnough, UConn Foundation
JAX Genomic Medicine Opens at UConn Health
The partnership with The Jackson Laboratory, which fosters collaborations with UConn scientists, is the first return on the state’s investment in Bioscience Connecticut.
October 7, 2014 | Combined Reports
Beating Monk Parakeets at Their Own Game
Outsmarting birds by blocking the pathway to their nests will reap dividends for homeowners and utility companies, a new UConn study has found.
September 30, 2014 | Sheila Foran
Stone Age Site Challenges Assumptions About Early Technology
A UConn scientist finds local innovation, not population expansion, explains the appearance of new technologies in Eurasia 300,000 years ago.
September 26, 2014 | Tim Miller
UConn Reads: Our Book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma
This year's selection is a special match for a community ready for a wide-ranging conversation about American ways of eating.
September 18, 2014 | Anne D'Alleva, Chair, UConn Reads Committee
UConn’s Value to Connecticut: $3.4 Billion a Year
An independent firm reports that the University also supports more than 24,000 jobs, and provides $202 million in tax revenue.
September 17, 2014 | Tom Breen
Power Lines Offer Environmental Benefits: UConn Study
The landscape in the transmission corridors provides habitat for hundreds of species of native plants and animals.
September 16, 2014 | Sheila Foran
Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity Moves to UConn
A new partnership with the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity was announced today in Hartford.
September 12, 2014 | Kristen Cole
UConn Trustees Approve Funding for First Tech Park Building
Important changes coming to North Campus with Tech Park and new roadway.
August 6, 2014 | Tom Breen