
Neag School Announces Recipients of 2017 Alumni Awards

The Neag School of Education and its Alumni Board are proud to announce the 2017 Neag School Alumni Award honorees. Six outstanding Neag School graduates will be recognized at the School’s 19th annual Alumni Awards Celebration in Storrs, Conn., on Saturday, March 18, 2017.

With just a few days left in 2016, a selection of faculty, staff, students, and alumni share hopes for next year.

UConn Nation Hopeful for the Coming Year

With just a few days left in 2016, a selection of faculty, staff, students, and alumni share hopes for next year.

TJ McKenna ’18 Ph.D.: Changing How We Teach Science

For Ph.D. candidate Thomas “TJ” McKenna, a love for science may not be enough; his mission, it seems, has become focused just as much on sharing his love for making science accessible to the masses.

Jackie Burns ’02 (SFA) got her first big break as Elphaba in “Wicked” on Broadway (she says she’s still finding traces of that green makeup!). Last fall she was on Broadway again, as Menzel’s standby in “If/Then.” That gig turned into a star role in the touring production. (Photo: Joan Marcus)

Checking in with Alumna Jackie Burns, Star of ‘If/Then’

Jackie Burns ’02 (SFA) got her first big break as Elphaba in 'Wicked' on Broadway. Last fall she was on Broadway again, as Menzel’s standby in 'If/Then.' Now she has a star role in the touring production.

Neag School Welcomes Back Educational Leadership Alumni for Second Annual Forum

Following an evening of networking among more than 130 educational leadership alumni, students, and colleagues, two notable Neag School alumni — school principal Alicia Bowman and superintendent Joseph Macary — took to the stage to share their program experiences and insights on leadership during Neag School’s Second Annual Educational Leadership Alumni Forum, held Nov. 1 at UConn’s von der Mehden Hall in Storrs.

Students, alumni, friends, and family participated in the Huskies Forever 5k on Sunday morning, Oct. 16. (Garrett Spahn/UConn Photo)

Huskies Forever Weekend 2016

Take a peek at UConn’s photo gallery from Huskies Forever Weekend.

Alumni wedding

Huskies Show Their Colors on Their Biggest Day

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. We've got you covered on that last one, #UConnNation!

Branch to Branch: Alum Lynda Mullaly Hunt on the Value of Teaching

Best-selling author, former third-grade teacher, and Neag School alumna Lynda Mullaly Hunt ’88 (ED), ’96 MA authored the following piece on the value of teaching, which was originally published in the September 2016 edition of the National Council of Teachers of English’s peer-reviewed journal, Voices from the Middle.

Why I Teach: ‘Everything Is Possible’

Editor’s Note: Kristin English’ 03 (ED), ’04 MA — an English teacher at Newtown High School in Newtown, Conn., since 2004 and an alumna of the Neag School’s Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s Program — shares her insights on what makes the profession of teaching most meaningful to her.

First-Generation College Grad and First-Year Teacher Comes Full Circle

When recent Neag School graduate Sarah Hodge ’15 (ED), ’16 MA was still a high schooler, she enrolled as one of the first students in the Teacher Preparatory Studies Program at Bulkeley High School, an initiative funded by Bank of America and designed to prepare and encourage talented students, particularly from minority groups, to become teachers. Although she found that she liked working with students, a teaching career was not necessarily what she thought she wanted to pursue at the time.