UConn Health

Fourth-year medical student Cynthia Emilie Armand sees a patient at the the 10th District Senior Fair in New Haven on November 30, 2010. (Bruce Gould for UConn Health Center)

Community Outreach: Med Students at Senior Fair

Urban Service Track scholars helped provide health care screenings and nutrition information for senior citizens in New Haven.

World Aids Day/World Aids Campaign: Getting to Zero

AIDS in 2011: More Manageable, Still Significant

On a day intended to raise AIDS awareness, Dr. Lisa Chirch, infectious disease physician, explains advances in treatment and management and warns against complacency.

Dr. Jason Ryan and cardiology nurse practitioner Marybeth Barry talk with a patient in the Calhoun Cardiology Center.

Heart Failure Readmission Rates Lower Than State Average

Cardiologist Jason Ryan credits the Health Center’s success to a hospital-wide effort.

British caricaturist and printmaker James Gilray’s farcical portrayal of a physician using metallic tractors on a patient is featured as a comical piece in the Hartford Medical Society Historical Library’s newest exhibit at the UConn Health Center.

Doctors Depicted in Historic Paintings

From serious to satirical, the Hartford Medical Society Historical Library’s newest exhibit features artwork of varying perceptions of physicians.

Students board a UConn bus.

New Shuttle Service from Storrs to Farmington

A new shuttle bus service begins today, linking the Storrs campus and the UConn Health Center in Farmington.

3 Cancer Specialists Join UConn Health Center

Meet three physicians who are now seeing patients at the Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center.

UConn Health Center December Programs, Events

Here’s what’s happening in December and January.

Health Center Gives Thanks

Thank you for your past support!

Thanksgiving dinner with the family (Shutterstock)

Share the Turkey, Pumpkin Pie, and Family Health History

Certified genetic counselors at the UConn Health Center encourage families to take advantage of their time together at Thanksgiving to review or update family history.

Dental Professor Asked to Assist with National Oral Health Program

Dr. Ruth Goldblatt will be a consultant for Oral Health America’s Wisdom Tooth Project.