UConn Health

Season’s Last Massey Lecture to Revisit Early U.S. Medicine

Catherine L. Thompson, assistant professor in residence in the UConn Department of History, will give the last spring semester talk of the Robert U. Massey History of Medicine and Medical Humanities Lecture Series. Thompson will present “Therapeutic Experience and Expectations in the Early U.S. Republic” Tuesday, May 17, at 7 p.m. in the Low Learning Center. Thompson’s article […]

Collaborative Research Day Focused on a Better Understanding of Developmental Disorders

Gaining a better understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and ADHD was the focus of Collaborative Research Day held recently at the Health Center’s Cell and Genome Sciences Building. The conference brought together clinicians and researchers from across the region. “This is a day we highlighted work at Hartford Hospital, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center […]

Calhoun Ride Back for Fifth Year

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pt2SXYwzcyU&feature=player_embedded’] UConn men’s basketball coach Jim Calhoun, a three-time national champion and three-time cancer survivor, brings his annual fundraising bike ride and walk back to Simsbury for a fifth year. The 2011 NBC Connecticut Jim Calhoun Cancer Challenge Ride and Walk will be held at the Performing Arts Center at Simsbury Meadows on Iron Horse […]

Health Center Celebrates Its Nurses

The UConn Health Center is honoring its nurses with a weeklong celebration of Nurses Week, during which nurses will be treated to massages, teas, ice cream, and programs on meditation, sound healing, and acupuncture. The Health Center’s 2011 Nurses Week celebration started Sunday, May 8, with a kickoff breakfast. A complete schedule of Nurses Week Events […]

Informatics Maven Sees Challenge, Opportunity at UConn

The field of biomedical informatics, seen as an increasingly important component of translational research, is gaining momentum at UConn, according to a national expert who recently visited both the Health Center and the Storrs campus. Informatics refers to information and knowledge management to support problem solving and optimal decision making. “It builds upon the observation […]

TIP-ing the Future in Connecticut’s Favor

Innovative biomedical companies not only help improve patient care; they’re also powerful economic drivers. It’s no wonder, then, that states nationwide are in fierce competition to attract young, entrepreneurial biomedical firms. Today’s startups have the potential to grow into tomorrow’s successful companies, generating high-paying jobs and economic vitality while improving human health. The University of […]

May Is Melanoma Month – UConn Dermatologist Warns of Tanning Bed Dangers

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1WCznpbdrY&feature=player_embedded’] As many women prepare for proms and weddings this season, they hope to obtain that healthy glow by heading to the tanning bed salons. But the color you may get from a tanning bed is anything but healthy, says Dr. Hanspaul Makkar, dermatologist with the UConn Health Center. Your risk of melanoma increases by […]

May Health Center Programs, Events

Following is a rundown of UConn Health Center events in May: Free Lifestyle Modification Educational Series on Cholesterol Monday, May 2, 6 to 7 p.m., UConn Health Center, Onyiuke Dining Room The Pat and Jim Calhoun Cardiology Center presents “Good Cholesterol, Bad Cholesterol, High Cholesterol,” part of a free educational lecture series focusing on cardiac […]

Huey Starts New Role with New Discussion Series on Health Care Changes

In his new role as the UConn School of Medicine’s associate dean for community and continuing education, Dr. Leighton Huey is introducing a program designed to stimulate discussion about critical changes taking place within health care as a result of reform efforts. “The System Redesign Series is designed to bring to the Health Center pre-eminent […]

Renowned Pediatric Dentist Discusses Advances in Oral Health Care

Nearly 100 pediatric dentists from around the state attended the Connecticut Society of Pediatric Dentistry (CSPD) meeting held recently at the Health Center. Dr. Paul Casamassimo, chair of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at The Ohio State University was the featured speaker for the CSPD-UConn-Castaldi spring meeting. Casamassimo is a renowned pediatric dentist, and his […]