
Heart Health

From cutting-edge research to the finest patient care, UConn is making a difference in the lives of people with heart disease and those at risk.

A syringe with sugar set on a heart, depicting diabetes and heart disease. (iStock Image)

Diabetes and Heart Disease Can Be Deadly Combination

Research led by a UConn Health physician found that patients with Type 2 diabetes hospitalized for heart failure face 1 in 4 chance of dying over the next 18 months.

Radiation oncologist Dr. Dowsett with CT Scan technology in the Radiation Planning (simulation) Room at the Carole and Ray Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center at UConn Health. (Lauren Woods/UConn Health Photo)

Close to the Heart

Radiation treatment for breast cancer can inadvertently graze the heart, leading to damage and disease years later. UConn doctors are working to change that.

Reading echocardiography images is one way Dr. Agnes Kim monitors cancer survivors' risk for heart disease as part of UConn Health's Cardio-Oncology Program. (Tina Encarnacion/UConn Health Photo)

Protecting Your Heart During Cancer Care

A UConn Health specialist discusses possible risks to the heart from cancer treatment, and ways patients can protect their heart.

Cardiologist Dr. Joyce Meng, left, with heart attack survivor Cris Muscara. (Lauren Woods/UConn Health Photo)

Woman Survives Heart Attack – Through Wrist

UConn Health patient Cris Muscara was successfully diagnosed and treated for a blocked artery with a heart procedure through her wrist.