Elaina Hancock
Author Archive
UConn Program Joins Technology and Nature to Build Conservation Awareness
Area residents are creating 'story maps' of conservation land in Eastern Connecticut as part of UConn's Natural Resources Conservation Academy.
September 25, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
Without Oxygen, Earth’s Early Microbes Relied on Arsenic to Sustain Life
A UConn researcher has found evidence indicating that arsenic once played a role similar to oxygen for organisms early in the history of life on Earth.
September 22, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
UConn Expertise Featured in the World Wide Fund for Nature’s Living Planet Report 2020
UConn expertise is featured in a new international report about declining wildlife populations.
September 10, 2020 | Combined Reports
A Spillover Effect: Medicaid Expansion Leads to Healthier Dietary Choices
One unanticipated benefit of Medicaid has been the shift from sugary beverages to water and other healthy options, according to UConn research.
September 8, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
Explore the Nexus of Climate Change and Public Health in CIRCA’s New Webinar Series
A new, free series of webinars explores the connections between climate change and public health.
September 4, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
A Truly Unique Fall Semester Begins at UConn
It's a semester that doesn't look quite like any other, but UConn Nation is ready for Fall 2020.
August 31, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
Interning in a Pandemic: One UConn Student’s Experience
The COVID-19 pandemic might have complicated one UConn student's dream internship, but it didn't derail it.
August 27, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
$3M NSF Research Training Grant to Build Resilience in East Coast’s Megalopolis
UConn researchers have won a prestigious National Science Foundation to study environmental resilience in the sprawl of the East Coast's urban density.
August 6, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
UConn Research: More Carbon in the Ocean Can Lead to Smaller Fish
As the world's oceans absorb more carbon from human activity, one result could be smaller fish, according to UConn researchers.
August 4, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
UConn Researcher to Lead New Sustainable Poultry Production Project
A UConn researcher has won a $10 million federal grant to find ways to make improvements in the poultry industry.
August 3, 2020 | Elaina Hancock