Op-ed: To Lower Drug Costs, End Prescription Coupons
A common prescription drug industry practice has the effect of driving up the cost of medication in the U.S., writes C. Michael White, professor of pharmacy practice.
August 8, 2019 | C. Michael White, UConn School of Pharmacy
UConn’s DMD Program Explores New Ways of Being ‘Social’
Students and faculty members from UConn's Digital Media and Design department explore new ways of measuring social media's impact.
August 8, 2019 | Kenneth Best
The Value of the So-Called ‘Token’ Woman
Observations of all-male military tactical teams reveal that adding a woman — and acting on her ideas — consistently leads to more expedient solutions of complex problems.
August 6, 2019 | Ed Kromer, Foster Business
Construction Update: August 2019
The latest updates on construction at UConn for the month of August 2019.
August 5, 2019 | Stephanie Reitz
Humans Altered the Genetic Make-up of a Species Through Fishing
Scientists have long suspected that rapid evolutionary change in fish caused by intense harvest pressure is the reason commercial fish have grown slower and matured earlier. Now, they have proof.
August 2, 2019 | Blaine Friedlander, Cornell University, and Elaina Hancock, UConn
Day One: A Message From President Tom Katsouleas
Tom Katsouleas offers his reflections on starting his tenure as the 16th president of the University of Connecticut.
August 1, 2019 | President Tom Katsouleas
Alumna Relishes Her Experience as ‘Hotdogger’
As the first alum to be hired to motor the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile cross country, Gabriella Medvick ’18 (SFA) says she couldn’t wait to show UConn Nation her new set of wheels and ketchup with her fellow Huskies.
August 1, 2019 | Camilla Vallejo ’19 (CLAS)
Heard Here: UConn 360
This series spotlights UConn 360, a biweekly podcast that aims to provide glimpses into the University of Connecticut from every conceivable angle.
July 31, 2019 | Kristen Cole
For Men, Weight Stigma Comes with Harmful Health Consequences
Health care providers may want to ask men about weight stigma to help identify those who may be vulnerable to depression or disordered eating behaviors, which are underdiagnosed in men, says the UConn study author.
July 30, 2019 | Kristin Messina, UConn Rudd Center
UConn Helps New Farmers ‘Bridge the Gap’
UConn Extension offers a range of innovative programs to help new farmers get established.
July 29, 2019 | Stacey Stearns, UConn Extension