
UConn research was the cover story in a recent edition of the journal CrystEngComm.

Crystallizing Knowledge with a Learning Machine

UConn researchers working with Pfizer used machine learning to figure out the best way to coax a drug into solid form for the development of pharmaceuticals.

Caesar Valentin '20 (CLAS).

First Things First: Why I Study Philosophy

As part of a video series, Caesar Valentin '20 (CLAS) shares what inspired him to declare his current major.

A UConn marketing professor found that financial companies employing ‘umbrella branding’ may have used advertising to drive customers to all their products, despite regulations designed to safeguard investors. (Getty Images)

How Brands are Circumventing Marketing Regulations

A UConn marketing professor found that financial companies employing ‘umbrella branding’ may have used advertising to drive customers to all their products, despite regulations designed to safeguard investors.

Charles Hernandez '20 (CLAS).

First Things First: Why I Study Psychology

As part of a new video series, Charles Hernandez '20 (CLAS) shares what first shaped and inspired him to declare his current major.

Wanjiku Gatheru '20 (CAHNR) is one of just 62 students nationwide to receive the award, which is presented to undergraduate students who have devoted themselves to public service. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Environmental Studies Student Wins 2019 Truman, Udall Scholarships

Wanjiku Gatheru '20 (CAHNR) is the first student in UConn history to win these two prestigious national awards in the same year.

Magnifying glass resting on a book. (Getty Images)

Op-ed: The Replication Crisis is Good for Science

According to recent reports, about two-thirds of studies replicated findings to some degree, but the strength of the findings was often weaker than claimed, writes educational psychologist Eric Loken.

A fifth-grader works at a computer during an after-school learning program. (Farah Nosh/Getty Images)

Study: After-school Programs Improve Academic Outcomes

A study of study over 9,000 students attending more than 100 after-school programs in Connecticut found those who participated had higher school attendance and higher academic performance.

Omaniel Ortiz '20 (CAHNR) by the River Thames with Big Ben (shrouded in scaffolding) in the background. Big Ben, the iconic clock tower of the Houses of Parliament in London, is currently undergoing major renovations.

Education Abroad: Omaniel Ortiz ’20, London, England

For first-generation college student Omaniel Ortiz, his Education Abroad experience in London was the first time he traveled outside the U.S.

Ph.D. students Leila Daneshmandi and Armin Tahmasbi Rad, both from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, have developed a technology that takes a patient’s tumor cells and grows them outside of the body to test different cancer treatments. (Evan Olsen Photography)

New Technology Designed to Reduce Mortality Rates in Cancer Patients

A pair of Ph.D. students developed a technology that takes a patient’s tumor cells and grows them outside of the body to test different cancer treatments.

Janet Pritchard in the field in northern England, working on a project about Hadrian's Wall, which was built by the Romans as the northwest frontier of their empire. (Judith Thorpe Photo)

Photography Professor Janet Pritchard Wins Prestigious Guggenheim Award

Pritchard, a landscape photographer, will pursue a project on the Connecticut River Watershed during the period of her fellowship.