College of Engineering

Engineering for Life: Ethan Butler

Major: Chemical Engineering Ethan has felt the need to reach out to and help others throughout his college career.  He is currently president of the UConn chapter of Engineers Without Borders and is an intern with the UConn Office of Environmental Policy.  Thus, it was natural for him to extend this inclination for service to […]

Two UConn Engineering Faculty Selected Chair Professors

Dean of Engineering Mun Y. Choi of the University of Connecticut announced that two faculty members have been honored with distinguished chair faculty positions in the School of Engineering.

From Engineering To Patent Judge

After graduating with an electrical engineering degree from UConn in 1993, Judge Jean R. Homere discovered by happenstance the field of patent law – a field that he believes to be largely unknown among engineering students across the country, despite the many exceptional opportunities it stands to offer them. Currently an Administrative Patent Judge at the […]

UConn Engineers Without Borders: Making a Difference

On February 24, about 30 people gathered at the Student Union to recognize and celebrate the important work performed in the last year by the UConn chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB). Members of EWB presented their current projects and described the ways in which they are attempting to change the lives of people in some of the most impoverished communities in the world.

Alumni Notes

Stay in touch with fellow UConn engineering alumni. Visit and fill us in on your latest activities or learn what your college friends are doing nowadays!

T2 Center Announces Winners of the 2011 Connecticut Roadway Safety Poster Contest for Children

The Connecticut Technology Transfer Center, a unit of the Connecticut Transportation Institute at UConn, announced the winners of the 2011 Connecticut Roadway Safety Poster Contest.

School Honors Eleven

The School of Engineering celebrated the accomplishments of 11 alumni and friends during a gala awards banquet held on March 15, 2011.

UConn Reactor Uses More Efficient Process to Make Biodiesel Fuel

The reactor provides training for students in biodiesel technology.

UConn Alumnus Works to Bring 3D Measurements into the 21st Century

Imagine living in a society where credit cards and ID cards are obsolete. All that is needed to make a purchase is a fingerprint.

New Master's Degree Offers Innovation/Management Focus

The School of Engineering, in partnership with the School of Business, has launched the Master of Engineering degree with a concentration in Innovation and Management (MENG -- IM).