The Graduate School

Julia Jordan-Zachery '97 Ph.D., Director of Black Studies at Providence College, speaks at the launch event of the Collaborative to Advance Equity Through Research on Women and Girls of Color on 9.28.2016. (Bri Diaz/UConn Photo)

UConn Joins National Research Initiative on Women and Girls of Color

UConn's new 'Collaborative' will conduct research on race and gender in science and technology.

University of Connecticut researcher Justin Luria observes a sample of a cadmium telluride solar cell that is being tested under artificial sunlight in UConn’s NanoMeasurements lab. (Photo by Ryan Glista/UConn)

UConn Scientists Find Material’s Defects Improve Solar Cell Performance

Using a novel mapping technique developed at UConn, researchers have discovered new conductive properties in cadmium telluride.

Yulia Kuzovkina-Eischen, associate professor of plant science & landscape architecture, and John Campanelli, a graduate student, inspect the growth of native species planted on DOT property along U.S. RT 6 in North Windham on Aug. 29, 2016. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

The Road to Native Vegetation in Highway Design

A graduate student is commercializing new software he developed to make roadside native plantings more successful.

Muslim woman waving an American flag. (iStock Photo)

Sociologist Charts Public Opinion Shifts on Racial Profiling

A UConn Ph.D. student is examining how public opinion on counter-terrorism may affect an individual’s civil rights.

Being the Family Breadwinner is Unhealthy for Men

As men take on more financial responsibility, their psychological well-being and health declines, says a new UConn study.

Rebecca “Becca” Rubinstein

UConn Environmental Engineering student wins EPA STAR

Rebecca “Becca” Rubinstein was recently awarded the EPA STAR Fellowship for her research on wastewater treatment with Dr. Ranjan Srivastava. Becca is a PhD student in the UConn Environmental Engineering Program, where her research is focused on understanding and modeling biological wastewater treatment. Nutrients commonly found in wastewater streams, particularly nitrogen species, can seriously damage aquatic ecosystems near the […]

A view of the north and south lanes of the Gold Star Bridge on April 16, 2009. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Keeping Connecticut’s Bridges Strong

The state's bridges will benefit from a new repair method developed at UConn using ultra-high performance concrete.

Emily Seelen in Lab

Current NSF Fellow awarded NSF GROW

Emily Seelen was recently funded through the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide program to conduct research with Dr. Erik Björn at Umeå University in Sweden. This opportunity is only available to active awardees of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program. Emily is currently a PhD student in the UCONN Marine Sciences Department […]

Jorell Meléndez-Badillo: Ph.D. Candidate

Jorell Meléndez-Badillo: Ph.D. Candidate, Recipient of the 2016-2017 Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship

Currently a Ph.D. candidate in Latin American History, Jorell Meléndez-Badillo is a recent recipient of the 2016-2017 Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship. Jorell has previously published books, edited volumes, journal articles, book chapters, and newspaper articles on the topics of labor, anarchism, and radical politics in Puerto Rico. During his tenure he will work under the […]

Salted water in the Dead Sea with salt crystals. (iStock Photo)

The Tiniest Parasites

A UConn study of bacterial parasites may shed light on how the human genome grew.