School of Medicine

Dr. Dawn Murphy (center) meets with clinical staff in the University Tower, including nurse case managers Andrea Torres (left) and Catherine Zimmerman (right). In her role as a transitionist, Murphy discusses patients with hospital care teams, enabling continuity when she sees those same patients in a nursing home for their post-acute care. (Photo by Janine Gelineau)

UConn Geriatrician Follows Patients to Their (Nursing) Home

UConn Health is developing a care plan in which it sends a geriatrician to a community nursing home to care for patients following their discharge from UConn John Dempsey Hospital.

The UConn Bookstore at UConn Health opened earlier this month. Barnes & Noble College is the new operator of all the university’s bookstores. (Photo by Tina Encarnacion)

Bookstore Reopens Under New Management

The UConn Bookstore at UConn Health opened earlier this month. Additional inventory is expected to arrive over the course of the next several weeks.

Illustration of human body with highlighted colon, or large intestine. (iStock Photo)

UConn Health Colorectal Cancer Researchers Redefining ‘Early Detection’

Thanks to a large volume of accumulated data, high-definition microscopy, and a skilled surgeon's experience, researchers are closing in on ways to identify who’s most at risk for colorectal cancer.

Dr. Thomas Devers (standing) provides biopsies from dozens of colonoscopies a year – and demographic data from about 1,000 colonoscopies a year – to the laboratory of Daniel W. Rosenberg (left). The collaboration has led to several studies that are on track for publication. Allen Mo (right) is first author of a paper that was just accepted by a major scientific journal. (Janine Gelineau/UConn Health Photo)

UConn Health Colorectal Cancer Researchers Redefining ‘Early Detection’

Thanks to volumes of epidemiological data they've amassed, UConn Health researchers are closing in on ways to identify who’s most at risk for colorectal cancer.

UConn Health July 2016 Programs, Events

This July UConn Health will be hosting a series of programs and events. Check the online schedule to join us soon.

An imaging technique now available at UConn Health is reducing the need for biopsies in patients who may have chronic liver disease.

MRI Replacing Biopsy to Detect Liver Disease

The recently installed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine at UConn Health has a capability known as elastography, which measures the stiffness of the liver using mechanical waves.

From left, Professor Adam Adler, Joseph Ryan, winner of the Lepow Award, and Immunology Dept. Chair Anthony Vella. (Photo by Janine Gelineau)

UConn Health Graduate Students Recognized for Their Research

The 33rd Annual Graduate Student Research Day held June 9 celebrated the excellent research being conducted by UConn Health students.

Town of Canton’s First Physician Honored by UConn Health

The legacy of Dr. Solomon Everest (1760-1822), the Town of Canton’s first physician, was honored on the grounds of UConn Health Canton on June 16.

Lights in New York City's Times Square. (iStock Photo)

New Atlas Shows Extent of Light Pollution – What Does it Mean for our Health?

After a new study shows 83% of the world lives under a haze of artificial light, a UConn Health epidemiologist says the health consequences of this are only beginning to be understood.

UConn MD/PhD student and APSA President-Elect Alex Adami co-moderating the “Cool Tools and Forward Technology” plenary session of the AAP-ASCI-APSA Joint Meeting.

UConn Health MD/PhD Student Recognized at National Scientific Meeting

UConn Health MD/PhD students attend prestigious national meeting to celebrate advances in medicine and science.