Neag School of Education

Neag Medal Recognizes Extraordinary Impact on Human Health

On May 18 UConn awarded The Carole and Ray Neag Medal of Honor for extraordinary contributions to the field of health sciences.

‘We Are All Dreamers’: Neag School Celebrates the Class of 2019

Starring alums Karissa Niehoff ’10 Ed.D. and Jesús Cortés-Sanchez ’18 (ED), ’19 MA, plus appearances by music ed majors and Jonathans XIII and XIV, Neag School Commencement Weekend was full of Husky spirit.

10 Questions With Two Educator Alumni Visiting Campus

Neag School alumni Jamie S. Baker ’03 (ED), ’04 MA, and Ronall L. Cannada ’05 (ED), ’06 MA visited the UConn Storrs campus this past spring to attend the inaugural 2019 Black History Month Networking Night, held to connect students from UConn’s ScHOLA2RS House, led by the Neag School’s Erik Hines, with alumni and friends of the University. They each reflect here on the impact of the event, as well as on their careers in education since graduating from the Neag School.

The PBIS Academy, developed in 2014 with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and UConn’s Center for Behavioral Education and Research, is the longest-running academy in Massachusetts and has earned nearly $4 million in total funding. (Stock image)

Massachusetts Renews Professional Development Program with UConn

For the past four years, the Northeast Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Academy, an evidence-based professional development program in the area of social-emotional development, has been used across the state of Massachusetts. Administered by the Neag School of Education through its affiliation with the Northeast PBIS (NEPBIS) Network, a loose affiliation of state education leaders in the Northeast, the PBIS Academy has announced it will continue its partnership with Massachusetts through the spring of 2022, after a bid to renew its contract for four additional years was recently approved.

Samuel Galloway ’01 6th Year, director of human resources at Bristol Public Schools, reviews a student’s resume during the Education Career Fair. (Shawn Kornegay/Neag School)

Preparing Teacher Ed Grads for a Successful Job Search

Many school districts across Connecticut hold Neag School of Education teacher education graduates in the highest regard for potential employment.Throughout the Neag School’s partner school districts, juniors and seniors in the Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s (IB/M) program get firsthand student teaching experience in urban and suburban classroom settings; during their fifth year in the program, students receive further preparation through various professional development offerings and on-site internships.

Students take a selfie with Jonathan the Husky at the Gentry Building during UConn’s Giving Day this spring. (Shawn Kornegay/Neag School)

Giving Day Earns Neag School Over $22K in Support

UConn’s second annual Giving Day, a University-wide fundraising event held in March, raised more than $22,000 for the Neag School — all within the span of 36 consecutive hours. As part of the institutional campaign, each of the Neag School of Education’s three departments, as well as its Alumni Board, promoted a specific Neag School-focused project, seeking contributions in any dollar amount from donors far and wide.

Former Neag School dean Thomas DeFranco attends a 2015 reception honoring former UConn President and Neag School dean Harry Hartley. DeFranco is set to retire June 1 after nearly 28 years at UConn. (Stefanie Dion Jones/Neag School)

Faculty Retirements and Appointments

This spring, two longtime faculty members will retire from the Neag School’s Department of Educational Psychology and Department of Curriculum and Instruction. In addition, a new head has been named to the Department of Educational Psychology for the fall of 2019.

Children cheer for UConn during a parade through the halls of Kennelly School in Hartford on May 2, 2019. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Hartford School Children Enjoy ‘UConn Day’

The event was developed by Hartford's Kennelly School to recognize its partnership with the University and provide the children an opportunity to recognize the positive impact of UConn students and student teachers.

Kent Holsinger, Dean, The Graduate School at UConn; Sandra Chafouleas, Professor and 2019 recipient of the Edward C. Marth Mentorship Award; and Edward C. Marth, former Executive Director of the UConn AAUP chapter (Cinnamon Adams)

Sandra Chafouleas Receives Award for Mentorship

The UConn AAUP honored Professor Sandra Chafouleas, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, as the 2019 recipient of the Edward C. Marth Mentorship Award.

Kaitlyn Ferrara sitting in a chair in the Gentry Building.

Kaitlyn Ferrara ’19, Elementary Education

"As a transfer student, I would advise fellow transfer students to immerse themselves in Husky life, but don't get too distracted from academics," says Kaitlyn Ferrara.