Neag School of Education

Kinesiology Moves, College of Agriculture Renamed

The department was recently relocated to the renamed College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources.

Renowned Retired Math Professor Continues to Support Neag School

A Neag alumna with a Ph.D. in educational psychology focused on gifted and talented education, Gavin has been actively involved in philanthropic support for the Neag School since her retirement.

Neag Alum Recognized for Wide-Reaching Efforts to Convert Agricultural Waste into Much-Needed Goods

UConn professor-in-residence and Neag alumnus Timothy Dowding (Ph.D. ’01), who teaches at UConn’s Stamford campus, received a Provost’s Award for Excellence in Public Engagement

Suzanne Wilson Elected to the National Academy of Education

Neag Endowed Professor Suzanne Wilson was one of 14 preeminent international education leaders recently elected to the National Academy of Education (NAEd). She is the first Neag faculty member to receive this prestigious honor.

Celebrating Diversity in Teacher Education

The Diversity Dinner was the highlight of Neag School’s “multi-pronged initiatives” in increasing diversity in teacher education.

Neag School Joins Forces with E.B. Kennelly School Through Workplace Ambassadors Program

E.B. Kennelly School is the first school to participate in UConn Alumni Association’s Workplace Ambassadors Program. Launched in 2012, the program aims to provide an atmosphere where student interns can interact, network and develop a mentorship relationship with UConn alumni who work in their internship sites

Neag Professor Releases New Book on Treatment Integrity in Applied Psychology

Holding her new book Treatment Integrity: A Foundation for Evidence-Based Practice in Applied Psychology, Dr. Lisa M. Hagermoser Sanetti was relieved and proud to show off the “exciting” results of a four-year project.

A Talk with CEO of Sound Manufacturing and Monster Power Equipment: How Her Adult Learning Ph.D. Transformed Her Company

Instead of accepting the negative effects the economy had on Sound Manufacturing, Vallieres used the educational principles she gained as a Ph.D. student in the Neag School’s Adult Learning Program to creatively direct her company out of this difficult period.

Neag Alumni Society Recognizes Outstanding Graduates

The Neag School of Education Alumni Society and the faculty of the Neag School of Education recognized outstanding alumni at the 16th Annual Awards Dinner on Saturday, March 22, 2014 at UConn.

Neag Study Illustrates Benefits of Using Heart Rate Monitor During Exercise to Track Workout Intensity Level

For his doctoral research project, former kinesiology student Evan Johnson wanted to know whether people exercising without a monitor could feel or perceive when their bodies reached a prescribed level, as this method has been suggested as a surrogate for heart rate monitoring in the past. The results surprised him.