School of Pharmacy

Diana Sobieraj, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice (Sheila Foran/UConn Photo)

Diana Sobieraj Receives Prestigious New Investigator Award from ACCP

Rising young researcher in Pharmacy Practice, Diana Sobieraj, wins presigious New Investigator Award from the ACCP.

Jill St. Germain '07 (PharmD) greets clients. (Sheila Foran/UConn Photo)

Rx for Success: New Pharmacy at UConn Health is Dream Come True for UConn Alum

This PharmD graduate with a desire to run her own pharmacy teams up with UConn Foundation member to realize her dream.

Students learned about varaious medical devices when they visited the School of Pharmacy.

Whatever Happened to Those Lazy Days of Summer?

The School of Pharmacy reaches out to the next generation of healthcare professionals.

Sheila Foran/UConn Photo

What’s the First Name of your Pharmacist?

Pharmacists are patient advocates and good communication between the two helps assure delivery of quality care.

Dr. Raymond Sackler preparing for the 1998 commencement ceremony, where he received an honorary degree. (Richard Boynton/UConn File Photo)

Philanthropist, UConn Donor Dr. Raymond Sackler Dies

Dr. Sackler and his wife Beverly generously supported the University – especially in the arts, human rights, and medical research – for more than 30 years.

Close-up of a newborn baby holding life-support hoses and cables tight in his hand. (Getty Images)

Op-ed: Should We Limit Spending on Lifesaving Drugs?

Specialty drugs have been responsible for three-quarters of spending growth on medications in the U.S. in the past five years. Pharmacy professor C. Michael White debates the options for how society can respond.

Dual PharmD/MBA Degree Provides Career Options

Combining the study of pharmacy with a business degree exposes graduates to a variety of career opportunities.

Sandra Weller, left, and postdoctoral fellow Lorry Grady, examine a sample. (Janine Gelineau/UConn Health Photo)

Thinking like an Entrepreneur to Advance Science

Sandra Weller has adapted her decades of research on herpes simplex to address the related cytomegalovirus, which has even more serious effects. She hopes her work will lead to a treatment option with commercial potential.

A pharmacist prepares to grind up a potion from unidentified pills the old-fashioned way. (AP Photo/Ruben Goldberg, via The Conversation)

Op-ed: Why Amazon Should Keep Prescription Drugs Off its Voluminous Shelves

A UConn pharmacy professor suggests that Amazon’s proposal to dispense prescription drugs could lead to serious medication-related errors and even deaths, and adversely affect the environment.

Charles F. Caley, Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice, speaking to seminar attendees. (Sheila Foran/UConn Photo)

The Community Pharmacist’s Role in Improving Outcomes for Patients with Mental Illness

Community pharmacists play an important role in improving outcomes for patients with mental illness.