
Walter Block ‘15 (CLAS), left, attends class at UConn Stamford on April 2, 2015. (Kim Krieger/UConn Photo)

The Right Time and Place for 70-year-old Graduate

At age 65, with no college credits, Walter Block enrolled at UConn Stamford; now 72, he will receive a BA in history this Commencement.

University Marshall Michael Darre hoods Philip Lodewick '66 (BUS), '67 MBA, as he receives an honorary degree at the School of Business commencement ceremony at Gampel Pavilion on May 11, 2014. (Peter Morenus/UConn File Photo)

UConn Names 2015 Honorary Degree Recipients

A Nobel Prize winner, National Education Association Foundation leader, and infant development expert are among UConn's honorary degree recipients this year.

Anton Gudz

Given the fact that you are originally from another nation, how did you hear about UConn? I actually moved from Ukraine right before high school, so I had already lived in the U.S. for a number of years. This being said, I am very proud to be Ukrainian, and I am a member of the […]

Kaitrin Acuna

Was there a defining moment during your time at UConn? I vividly remember sitting on the floor of the studio, on the first day of my first class at UConn, and watching an art professor stand on a podium and drop 60 sheets of printer paper one by one. It was a wonderful feeling to finally be […]

Shelja Patel

Was there a defining moment during your time at UConn? My first human rights course changed my outlook on my education. The amazing faculty and staff at the Human Rights Institute fostered my curiosity about human rights and gave me a platform to get involved. I became a human rights double major, and took part […]

Daniel Arndt

Was there a defining moment during your time at UConn? The most defining moments of my time here at UConn have been my experiences working in classrooms, both in Mansfield and East Hartford, collaborating with teachers and learning the craft of teaching. My final semester was spent student teaching at E.O. Smith High School in […]

Kimberly Rebello

Was there a defining moment during your time at UConn? During my sophomore year in college, I had the opportunity to take Professor William Bailey’s Honors organic chemistry course. I loved the material so much that I switched the type of lab work I was doing at the time to be able to incorporate organic […]

Ashley Frato

Describe someone you’ve met here who has already impacted your future. Professor Ray DiCapua. He has been an incredible mentor to me these last four years. He somehow instilled enough confidence in me as an artist to pursue my dreams in a way I did not think was possible before. I felt numbingly mediocre when […]

Julianne Norton

Was there a defining moment during your time at UConn? My most defining moment at UConn was the first time I stepped on stage with my improv comedy group. I was quite literally shaking. I never would have guessed at the time that I would eventually overcome my stage fright and go on to perform […]

Jaron Kolek

Was there a defining moment during your time at UConn? My UConn career, and future, was forever changed by an environmental conservation course I took during my freshman year. It was during this course that I realized I could turn my passion for the outdoors into a career, and I decided to devote my life […]