Community Impact

Collection of flower and vegetable seeds in envelopes.

Student-Led Sustainability Projects Funded by UConn Office of Sustainability

The Environmental and Social Sustainability Grants Program, run by the Office of Sustainability, awarded eight student teams working to elevate sustainability in Connecticut.

portrait of four, including two graduates holding certificates

Favarh’s Project SEARCH Graduates 3 More at UConn Health

Internship program prepares young adults for independent employment

Homepage of 4-H Biotech Game

Game On: UConn 4-H Introduces Youth to Biotechnology

A new online game from UConn Extension helps youth build awareness of biotechnology and the potential careers it could lead to

Pride Celebrated at UConn Health

To kick-off Pride Month members of the UConn Health community ceremonially raised the flag on the morning of June 3 with the help of the UConn Fire Department.

Student conducting chemistry experiment in lab

High School Students Get Hands on Experience at UConn Chemistry Early College Experience Day

Students from eight high schools participated in the day-long event, performing a photoswitching chemistry experiment

Portrait of Dr. Hetal Patel and Emmett Sullivan in pharmacy reception area

Improving Equity by Improving Access

Dispensary of Hope at UConn Health Pharmacy makes prescription drugs more attainable

Students and UConn Extension faculty work at planting a rain garden next to the Dairy Bar.

Tending Your Garden: New Rain Garden Installation Offers Lessons in Local Impact

'This is really what it's about – the students learning an actual real-world thing that they can put their hands on, something that they can remember, and they can bring their families here and show them'

Students in an elementary school classroom raise their hands to be called on.

Helping Teachers Recognize Gifted Learners and Elevate Classroom Conversation

‘Project Focus’ brings more learners into gifted programs — and more strategies from gifted education into general classrooms

Nine women stand in a group and smile at the camera.

UConn Partnership with East Hartford Public Schools Celebrates First Year

UConn WSCC team marks productive year of improving health and well-being of school children with CDC visit

UConn Health Leaders Win National Award

National Innovation Award Goes to UConn Health Leaders Program

UConn Health Leaders (UCHL) is the proud national winner of the Quality and Practice Innovation Award from the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM).