Community Impact

Ted Rathjen, senior shellfish warden for Groton, steers the boat as Kaitlyn Campbell, post doctoral student in the Brandt Lab at UConn, and Anika Agrawal, doctoral student in the lab, prepare to collect oysters and mussels to test for PFAS in shellfish tissue in an earlier project led by Christopher Perkins, who was chosen for one of the CECs project research awards.

Connecticut Sea Grant Project to Focus on Possible Contaminants in Coastal Waterways

The UConn researcher-led effort is part of a multistate effort to analyze pollutants in urban coastal areas along the East Coast

A patient working within UConn's Aphasia Rehab Lab

UConn Aphasia Support Group Reaches Out to Caregivers and Beyond

'The only people who can really understand are the people who are going through it'

Grocery cart with food in it going down a grocery isle

Ask UConn Extension: Tips for Stretching Your Food Dollars

UConn Extension can help consumers find ways to stretch their food dollars and still eat healthy

Student collect soil samples in the field

M.S. Student Brings More Accurate Soil Information to the Public

In collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Monique Michaud is standardizing soil data collection for scientists nationwide

An e-bike stands on a suburban street.

Connecticut: Get Ready for CHEAPR e-bikes

A sustainable future needs sustainable transportation. Here, a CIRCA expert details an update to a program to us move toward that future

Female scientist collecting samples in a marsh

Ph.D. Student Helps Protect Long Island Sound’s Marshes

With the Long Island Sound at particular risk, UConn researchers are using a method called thin layer placement to gradually increase marsh elevation

A young girl raises her hand in an elementary school classroom.

UConn Faculty Awarded $2M in Federal Funding to Support School Wellness in CT

'I’m very proud of the work we have been collectively doing at UConn to support the whole child'

Entryway sign lit up green for St. Patricks Day and for Sustainability. March 16, 2022.

Six UConn Teams Innovating Decarbonization this Summer through Unique Eversource Partnership Program

The program culminates in a summit on October 4, where a panel of academic, utility, industry, municipal, and legislative experts will select the top teams to continue the advancement of their ideas

“Thank you UConn Health,” says longtime smoker and now lung cancer survivor Pellumb Medolli, 71, of East Hartford whose life was saved by a simple phone call from the UConn Health Leaders program student volunteers. He has stopped smoking and enjoying both his second chance at life and breathing fresh air!

UConn Student Makes Life-Saving Phone Call

'It’s hard to know over the phone if you are really making a difference or an impact on patient lives, but now I know'

The lights on top of a police car are illuminated.

The Connecticut Racial Profiling Prohibition Project: A National Example

Other states are now adopting the model of data analysis and intervention developed by the Project, which is housed at UConn’s Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy