Health & Well-Being

Dr. Pramod K. Srivastava, director of the Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center, in his lab. (Chris DeFrancesco/UConn Health Center Photo)

UConn Doctor’s Vaccine Technology Shows Promise in Brain Cancer Treatment

The vaccine is based on the role of heat shock protein (HSP) in immune response, an area pioneered by Dr. Pramod Srivastava.

Expanding the Pharmacist’s Role in Mental Health Care

The School of Pharmacy sponsors a symposium on the role of community pharmacists in dealing with patients with mental illness.

UConn: A Growing Hub for Personalized Medicine

Download a high-resolution pdf of this infographic.

How Robots Can Help Children with Autism Learn and Communicate

A UConn-affiliated researcher is preparing to take his work on robots and autism out of the lab and into the marketplace.

Meg Gerrard, research professor of psychology on March 28, 2013. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Expanding Cancer Research at UConn

New faculty member Meg Gerrard, who previously worked at Dartmouth's comprehensive cancer center, hopes to build new cancer research programs at UConn.

EVIS EXERA III endoscopy system better

New Tools to Detect Colon Cancer

UConn Health Center is one of the first medical centers to use the latest high definition endoscopes.

Researchers Find Possibility of Change in Children Previously Diagnosed with Autism

The UConn-led study holds out hope that for some children, the diagnosis may not be lifelong.

Annabelle Rodriguez-Oquendo

New UConn Genetics Researcher Studying Heart Disease and Infertility Links

Dr. Annabelle Rodriguez-Oquendo joins the University from Johns Hopkins, drawn by the developing research environment at the Health Center.

Seeing Below the Skin: Advanced Tools to Diagnose Cancer

UConn Health Center offers new technologies to track and visualize changes in the skin.

Marcy Balunas collecting a marine cyanobacterium from inside a large sponge i Portobelo National Park in Panama. (Photo courtesy of Marcy Balunas)

The Quest for New Cancer-Fighting Drugs in Marine Environments

Marcy Balunas, an assistant professor in the School of Pharamcy, has extracted a novel cancer-fighting compound from blue-green algae.