Health & Well-Being

UConn Health cancer epidemiologist Richard Stevens continues to advance research connecting artificial light at night to physiological changes in the human body. (Chris DeFrancesco/UConn Health Photo)

Lighting Adjustments Necessary for Better Health, Researchers Say

New lighting technology can better accommodate the body's circadian rhythm and avoid the detrimental effects of typical lighting, according to a paper co-authored by a UConn Health cancer epidemiologist.

Professor Mark Peczuh, both in the Department of Chemistry are pictured with the object of their research. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

New Peanut Allergy Test Goes Beyond Scratching the Surface

UConn chemists have developed a new test for peanut allergies that is capable of determining the potential intensity of a patient’s allergic reaction through just a few drops of blood.

Lylah Deady holds a vial of fruit flies and pupae on Feb. 20, 2015. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Abuzz Over Ovulation Similarities Between Two Very Different Species

UConn researchers say that during ovulation the same gene may govern both humans and flies, a finding that could lead to advances in treating human infertility, cancer metastasis and ovarian disease.

The Impact of Social Media on Body Image

A UConn psychologist discusses the 'selfie' culture, and how to approach a friend or family member who may have an eating disorder.

C. Michael White, professor & head of the Department of Pharmacy Practice (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

UConn Designated as Federal Health Care Study Center

UConn's reports will be used by Medicaid and Medicare Services in making health coverage decisions that affect millions of patients nationwide.

A bottle of MMR vaccine with a syringe. (Shutterstock Photo)

Measles and the Risks of Skipping Vaccines

Infectious diseases specialists at UConn Health say failure to keep current on recommended immunizations defies decades of medical knowledge.

Dr. John Taylor meets with a urology patient at Dowling South at UConn Health in Farmington. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

UConn Urologist Picked to Lead New Bladder Cancer Institute

A donor with no previous ties to the University sought out a UConn Health expert to drive the advancement of bladder cancer care and research.

For every drug that scientists develop against bacteria (a "move"), bacteria respond with mutations that confer resistance to the drug. In this paper, we show that these "moves" by bacteria can be predicted in silico ahead of time by the Osprey protein design algorithm. We used Osprey to prospectively predict in silico mutations in Staphylococcus aureus against a novel preclinical antibiotic, and validated their predictions in vitro and in resistance selection experiments. Image created for this paper by Lei Chen and Yan Liang. (Courtesy of Duke University).

Getting Ahead of Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria

A UConn medicinal chemist has developed software with a colleague at Duke that could help make more resilient antibiotics.

Vitamin D as Colon Cancer Foe

The director of UConn Health's Colon Cancer Prevention Program explains medicine’s growing understanding of how higher vitamin D levels may slow colon cancer.

Amy Anderson, left, professor of pharmaceutical science and Dennis Wright, professor of pharmaceutical science on Jan. 8, 2014. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Advancing Knowledge: Research

A glimpse into this past year's discoveries by UConn researchers.