
UConn: A Growing Hub for Personalized Medicine

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Zhaohui Wang, a Ph.D. candidate in engineering, sits in a lab next to the OFDM underwater modem on April 30, 2013. (Ariel Dowski/UConn Photo)

Ph.D. Candidate Specializes in Underwater Acoustic Communications

While at UConn, Zhaohui Wang '13 Ph.D. has published 12 journal articles, 17 conference papers, worked on two NSF-funded proposals, and co-authored a textbook.

One Second Every Day – UConn Student

UConn student Matthew Hodgkins '13 (CLAS) recorded one second of video every day for the last semester of his senior year.

Kyle Hope and Brian Osborn

Class of 2013: Kyle Hope and Brian Osborn, Future International Engineers

Kyle Hope '13 (ENG & CLAS) and Brian Osborn '13 (ENG & CLAS) spent a year studying and working in Germany as part of UConn's Eurotech program.

Transportation Safety Research Center Established at UConn

A new transportation safety research center at UConn aims to improve roadway safety through research, technology, and community outreach.

Darren Luon '11 (PHR), '13 Pharm.D. on Feb. 26, 2013. (UConn Photo)

Class of 2013: Darren Luon, Future Pharmacist

Motivated by the illness of a family member, Darren Luon '13 Pharm.D. is looking forward to a career as a pharmacist and perhaps one day as a pharmacy professor.

Mairead Hynes (Photo courtesy of Mairead Hynes)

Class of 2013: Mairead Hynes, Future History Professor

For her Honors thesis, Mairead Hynes '13 (CLAS) read letters archived at Oxford University from WWII-era Prime Ministers Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill.

The WHUS crew, (l to r) Josh Baron'13 (CLAS), John Ponziani '13 (CLAS), and Spencer Warshaue '14 (ENG) prepare to broadcast a basketball game at the XL Center in Hartford. (Ken Best/UConn Photo)

Student Radio Has Its Team Covering the Husky Teams

WHUS sports directors Andrew Callahan '13 (CLAS) and Chris Jones '13 (CLAS) have been working to improve WHUS sports coverage.

How Robots Can Help Children with Autism Learn and Communicate

A UConn-affiliated researcher is preparing to take his work on robots and autism out of the lab and into the marketplace.

From left, Emily Funk '13 (CLAS), Anna Green '13 (CLAS), Jennifer Bento, a Ph.D. candidate in the polymer program in the Institute of Materials Science, and Tyler Reese '13 (CLAS), in the Wilbur Cross Building. (Ariel Dowski '14 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

Four UConn Students Selected as National Science Foundation Fellows

Three seniors and a second-year graduate student have been awarded 2013 Graduate Research Fellowships by the NSF for work in the STEM disciplines.