
Teacher giving a lesson in the classroom.

Neag School Sees New Role in Conversation About Education Reform

Lawmakers turn to UConn's education school for assistance in evaluating a portion of the program created by Connecticut's new law.

Jonathan Winter during one of his races at the World Cup 1 in Munich, Germany in 2011. (Photo by Erwin Wyers)

Class of 2012: Jonathan Winter

A member of the U.S. national rowing team throughout Law School, aspiring patent attorney Jonathan Winter '12 JD has already earned a patent for a device that helps adjust the oar lock on a boat.

Mary Holz-Clause, vice president for economic development is interviewed at the WIlbur Cross south reading room on Jan. 25, 2012. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Driving the Economy

Mary Holz-Clause, the University’s first vice president for economic development, talks about the ways in which UConn can contribute to economic development across the region.

3D illustration of lungs

Breaking Down How We Breathe

Physiology and neurobiology professor Daniel Mulkey studies something most of us don’t think about – how we breathe.

oak leaf

UConn Celebrates Economic Benefits of Innovation at Inaugural Ceremony

Awards highlight the University's commitment to bringing research where it benefits people.

Doors with bicycle, Varanasi, India. (Wikimedia Commons)

The Bike Path to Secondary Education

Can a bicycle keep a girl in school? A UConn economist is studying whether a bike incentive used in rural Bihar, India can do just that.

Melanie Cunha '12 (CLAS) wears a decorated cap before the early afternoon College of Liberal Arts and Sciences commencement ceremony held at Harry A. Gampel Pavilion on May 6, 2012. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

One Student. One Story. New Chapter

As one chapter ends in the stories of this year's seniors and a new chapter begins, a newly minted graduate takes a look at what UConn has meant to the Class of 2012.

Students working outside in a science/lab class at the Avery Point campus. (Al Ferreira for UConn)

Much-Needed STEM Teachers are Focus of Accelerated Certification Program Expansion

To help meet the national demand for teachers in science, technology, engineering, and math, the Neag School of Education is expanding its accelerated teacher certification program to the Avery Point campus.

Land mine danger sign.

Improving the Detection of Landmines

A chemical engineering doctoral student has developed a portable sensing system that can detect hidden explosives accurately, efficiently, and at little cost.

Melanie Deziel (Daniel Buttrey/UConn Photo)

Class of 2012: Melanie Deziel

Senior Melanie Deziel, editor-in-chief of The Daily Campus, became hooked on journalism as a freshman. On May 6, she’ll be the first in her family to graduate from college.