
Telenovelas: Dangerous but Popular Fare

A book edited by Diana Rios finds that Spanish-language soap operas send the wrong messages.

Drilling Down to Predict Earthquakes

A UConn geologist is heading back to Japan to learn more about how major earthquakes occur.

Neag Math Duo Decodes Language Barriers to Math Reasoning

Two education faculty developed ways to help English language learners solve math problems.

Fish Oil May Reduce Postpartum Depression Symptoms

The omega-3 in fish oil may be beneficial if taken during pregnancy, a UConn study finds.

UConn Receives National Recognition for Community Service

The University was honored for its strong commitment to service.

Faculty Member’s Role as Community Pharmacist Represents New Era

Lisa Holle’s community outreach is a new model for the role of pharmacists in health care.

Chemistry Professor wins Connecticut Medal of Science

Steven Suib, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, has been awarded the state’s top science medal.

Locating Patterns in Human Proteins

An engineering professor is searching for novel algorithms that may ultimately help combat disease.

Snakes, Lizards, and Tongues

Kurt Schwenk is studying tongue flicking in snakes. He explains why he finds reptiles fascinating.

Colwell Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

The EEB professor is being recognized for his contributions to the field of tropical biology.