
Keeping the Planet Green and Blue

The TV show Aqua Kids filmed episodes with several faculty from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for its environmental theme. (George Stover/Adventure Productions)

Glowing Squid Thrive in Symbiotic Relationship

Glowing squid help scientists learn about the immune system. They look neat, too.

Lisa Bragaw, RPh, field coordinator, left, and Marie Smith, professor of pharmacy

Expanding the Pharmacist’s Role in Health Care

Most people see their pharmacist only when they are dropping off a prescription or picking up medication. But new research by the School of Pharmacy and the Connecticut Pharmacists Association has found that allowing pharmacists to be more involved in the delivery of health care improves patient outcomes and reduces costly emergency room visits. It […]

Investigating the Growth of Biofilms

Leonela Villegas and Jinzi Deng have combined their mutual interests.

Business School Program Helping Entrepreneurs Grow Companies

An entrepreneur with boundless energy is enlisting students to help fledgling firms.

Google Named to Host Student Email Systems

UITS says so long to the much maligned Husky Mail and hello to Google.

Compression Suits Provide Competitive Advantage

A UConn researcher finds that compression suits enhance athletic performance.

Study Finds Antidepressants May Help in Treating Schizophrenia

Study finds increasing use of antidepressants in treating schizophrenia.

Patent 7,955,128 is Not Just Any Number to Law School Clinic

First patent issued to client of UConn Law School clinic.

Getting Close with Baby

A study of skin-to-skin contact with preemies shows long-term benefits for mothers, babies.