Research & Discovery
UConn Health Researcher Receives Patent for Cancer-fighting Antibody
UConn Health professor of cell biology Kevin Claffey recently received a patent for a novel antibody designed to target an important cancer cell membrane protein.
October 1, 2020 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research
Meet Werth Innovator Lauren Boulay ’21 (ENG)
Meet UConn electrical engineering major Lauren Boulay ’21, part of the next generation of makers and a member of the inaugural cohort of Werth Innovators.
September 30, 2020 | Angelina Reyes
Connecticut Transportation Safety Research Center Receives 5-year Extension to Improve and Expand Safety Analysis Tool
UConn's Connecticut Transportation Safety Research Center has won a grant to continue developing its nationally-lauded highway safety data analysis tool.
September 29, 2020 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research
Connecticut Transportation Safety Research Center Receives 5-year Extension to Improve and Expand Safety Analysis Tool
The Connecticut Transportation Safety Research Center has received a five-year extension from the Connecticut Department of Transportation for their project to develop a customized highway safety analysis tool for improving the safety of Connecticut’s roads. Since 2015, the Center, located at the University of Connecticut’s Connecticut Transportation Institute, has been developing a data-driven process to […]
September 28, 2020 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research
Hearing Speech Requires Quiet – In More Ways Than One
The painstaking work of two UConn Health researchers led to surprising insights about how the brain processes sounds.
September 25, 2020 | Kim Krieger
UConn Researchers Working Toward Equitable At-Home Reading Disability Intervention
UConn researchers are working on solutions for school-age children with reading disabilities, who often don't have access to the resources most effective in addressing those problems.
September 23, 2020 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research
Reducing Racism in Schools: The Promise of Anti-Racist Policies
In 2020, the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and others led to a resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement across the nation and around the globe. The revitalization of this movement has come with increased public demand for policy change, and specific calls for anti-racist policies in schools. As a result, many educational leaders are grappling with what this means for their respective contexts, and the extent to which their school or district’s current policies measure up to public demand.
September 22, 2020 | Britney L. Jones
Without Oxygen, Earth’s Early Microbes Relied on Arsenic to Sustain Life
A UConn researcher has found evidence indicating that arsenic once played a role similar to oxygen for organisms early in the history of life on Earth.
September 22, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
UConn Health Researchers to Study Role of Endothelial Splice Factor in Alzheimer’s, Dementia
Patrick Murphy, Center for Vascular Biology, in collaboration with Dr. Riqiang Yan of the Department of Neuroscience, have received a $2.2 million grant from the National Institutes for Health to investigate the changes in RNA regulation within the endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier in the onset of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease and Dementia.
September 21, 2020 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research
After Developing CRISPR-based Diagnostic Test for Infectious Diseases, UConn Researchers Validate Clinical Feasibility for COVID-19 Testing at Point of Care
A simple, low-cost method of detecting infectious disease is one step closer to being a cutting-edge diagnostics technology used by clinicians.
September 18, 2020 | Courtney Chandler