Research & Discovery

Hydrogen fuel cell, close up.

UConn and Technion Collaborate on the Development of Next Generation Fuel Cells

UConn researchers and Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, are collaborating on a game-changing platinum-free fuel cell catalysts.

An apartment building at night, with some of the windows illuminated.

UConn Researchers Collaborate to Study Effects of COVID-19 on Domestic Violence

UConn researchers have won a grant to research the increase in domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A mourner from the Nepali community, unable to attend the funeral for Ashish KC due to social distancing restrictions, reacts in the parking lot outside of the Maryland Cremation services in Millersville, Maryland on May 20, 2020. - Ashish died in a drowning but due to restrictions in place amid the novel coronavirus pandemic, only eight close family members and friends were allowed to attend the ceremony inside, while more then 30 waited outside. Mourners inside live streamed the funeral to family back in Nepal and to those waiting just outside. The coronavirus pandemic has drastically altered the way we are able to mourn and say goodbye to loved ones. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

How Americans are Coping with COVID-19 Stress

UConn researchers are studying how Americans experience and respond to stress related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Children in candle ceremony

Religion’s Influence on Child Success

An international research team including UConn's Richard Sosis received a grant from the John Templeton Foundation to examine the effects of religion on family dynamics, specifically family size and its relationship to child success.

3D rendered Illustration, visualisation of a anatomically correct Mitochondrion, a organelle of most eukaryotic and other cells

Researchers Explore Potential Treatment for Mitochondrial Diseases

Researchers studying severe illnesses like muscular dystrophy and Parkinson's disease are intrigued by a group of compounds that may work to protect the body's cells.

Close up look at a section of the UConn School of Pharmacy Building

Quarterly Recap of Pharmacy Faculty Research Grants – FY2020 Q2 and Q3

Recapping the quarters beginning October 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020, the UConn School of Pharmacy congratulates the following Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy Practice faculty and their teams for their research grant awards* totaling $6,002,715 : Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences: Robin H. Bogner, Ph.D. MedImmune Identifying the Causes for Long Reconstitution Times: Phase […]

A computer-generated illustration of a coronavirus microbe

Dementia Gene Raises Risk of Severe COVID-19

A gene associated with increased risk of Alzheimer's disease is also linked to severe cases of COVID-19, according to researchers.

Two sets of imagery from brain analyses

The Reproducibility Crisis Might Be All in Your … Software

UConn researchers say that software may be partly the cause for many science experiments' inability to be repeated.

UConn Faculty Members Win Prestigious Research Awards

Seven UConn faculty members have been named National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) award winners.

A small pile of a variety of vitamin and mineral supplements

Myth Busters: the Facts on Dietary Supplements and COVID-19

Vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, elderberry, and silver nutritional supplements have all made recent headlines in the fight against the coronavirus. But do they really work? UConn School of Pharmacy faculty pharmacists, Drs. Kathleen Adams, William Baler, and Diana Sobieraj crunched the evidence based data in a recent article in the Annals of Pharmacotherapy. The […]