Research & Discovery


Ocean Currents, Atmospheric CO2, and Deglaciation

UConn marine scientist, David Lund, has received $379,000 from the NSF to study the role of the Atlantic Ocean circulation in storing and releasing carbon, addressing a significant knowledge gap.

Fireflies: Illuminating Research

UConn neurobiologist Andrew Moiseff is delving into the life cycle of the firefly outside of the three to six weeks when the adults light up summer evenings.

Wizdom Powell is director of the Health Disparities Institute and associate professor of psychiatry at UConn Health.

Meet the Researcher: Wizdom Powell, Health Disparities

In a recent conversation over coffee with Wizdom Powell, PhD, director of UConn’s Health Disparities Institute (HDI), two words kept popping up: commitment and passion. Powell leaves no doubt that she is both committed and passionate when it comes to her work, the communities she serves, and improving health outcomes for underrepresented populations. Powell, who […]

Human hand taking mineral water from shelf in supermarket. (Getty Images)

Misleading Marketing Fuels Bottled Water Consumption

A UConn study shows people form their ideas largely based on marketing messages that tout the health benefits of drinking bottled water over tap water.

Wizdom Powell is director of the Health Disparities Institute and associate professor of psychiatry at UConn Health.

Meet the Researcher: Wizdom Powell, UConn Health Disparities Institute

Wizdom Powell, PhD, director of UConn's Health Disparities Institute in Hartford, is a nationally recognized clinical psychologist whose research focuses on the role of modern racism and gender norms on African American male health outcomes and healthcare inequities.

Altug Poyraz, left, with Steven Suib, distinguished professor of chemistry. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

UConn Chemist Wins Patent for Tunable Metal Oxide Synthesis Method

University of Connecticut chemistry professor Steven Suib has been granted a US patent (9,908,103) for a new method developed with his former student Altug S. Poyraz, now an inorganic chemistry professor at Kennesaw State University. The technology is capable of synthesizing and customizing a type of compound that has unique catalytic and electronic properties. Suib […]


DoD Grant to Better Understand Aeronautical Combustion

UConn engineer, Xinyu Zhao, is working to develop a better understanding of the combustion process that powers aeronautical engines through a $450,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Air Force.

Migrant families embrace at the border between El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico. (Photo by Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images)

The Science is Clear: Separating Families has Damaging Psychological and Health Consequences

The Society for Research on Child Development responded to the separation of children from their parents at the U.S. border with a letter to Congress, co-authored by UConn's Linda Halgunseth.

The Thames River in New London, CT, looking toward Groton, CT (Wikimedia Commons)

Highlighting Connecticut’s Maritime Geography, History, and Future

Connecticut has nearly 100 miles of coastline and is traversed by several rivers. A new UConn-led multidisciplinary project will create a maritime heritage trail that runs through southeast Connecticut.

Researcher Kumar Venkitanarayanan at his lab in the George White Building. Kumar is studying the use of probiotics to disinfect cantaloupes and has found they are more effective than chlorine June 14, 2018. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Probiotics Effective in Keeping Cantaloupes Safe to Eat

The bumpy, net-like cantaloupe rind provides hiding places for bacteria. Chlorine does not entirely kill it. Probiotics may do the job, according to new UConn research.