Research & Discovery

Daniel Mulkey in his lab with graduate students Ian C. Wenker and Joanna Hawryluk. (Daniel Buttrey/UConn Photo)

The Brain and Breathing in Health and Disease

Professor Daniel Mulkey from UConn's Department of Physiology and Neurobiology recently received several grants for projects focused on understanding how the brain controls breathing in health and disease.

UConn wordmark.

UConn Reaches Tentative Agreement with Graduate Employee Union

The University and the union representing its graduate assistants have reached tentative agreement on terms for a new four-year contract.

An image of immature retinal ganglion cell neuron from Dr. Trakhtenberg's research, adapted for a cover page of the International Review of Neurobiology volume on Axon Growth and Regeneration (Goldberg & Trakhtenberg, Eds, 2012, Vol 106: Academic Press)

New PITCH Promising Project Award for Optic Nerve Repair Technology

Ephraim Trakhtenberg from UConn Health's Department of Neuroscience and Jessica Rouge from the Department of Chemistry have won a PITCH Promising Project Award to develop a novel approach for repairing optic nerve damage that occurs in optic neuropathies such as glaucoma.

Michael Ego, professor of human development and family studies at UConn’s Stamford campus, with a client in the Baseball Reminiscence Program at River House Adult Care Center in Cos Cobb, Connecticut, during a trip to Citi Field in New York City for a Mets game. (Kenneth Best/UConn Photo)

Improving the Lives of Those with Dementia by Using Memories of Baseball

Other nations are responding to Alzheimer’s in innovative ways. Sports – specifically 'sports reminiscence therapy' – is increasingly playing a role, says UConn professor.

A lawyer and the jury. (Getty Images)

Researcher Examines Police Perjury as Part of Legal Culture

Whether prompted by pressure to secure convictions, or by inadequate police disciplinary procedures, false testimony by police is ingrained in the system, says law professor Julia Simon-Kerr.

A view of Thoreau’s Cove from the western side at Stop 10. Two people on the beach provide scale. (Robert Thorson/UConn Photo)

Thorson’s Guide to Walden Pond

When UConn geologist Robert Thorson discovered there was no guidebook to one of America's most iconic places, he set out to write one himself.

Illustration of network concept. (Getty Images)

Designing a Smart Sensor Network for Tracking Submarines

A UConn researcher at the National Institute for Undersea Vehicle Technology is developing a 'smart sensor network' that is energy-efficient and resilient.

UConn researcher Chandi Witharana is using remote sensing as 'a virtual passport' to monitor vast expanses of land in remote areas, including the Arctic tundra. (Chandi Witharana)

Piecing Together Our Planet Pixel by Pixel

UConn researcher Chandi Witharana is using remote sensing as 'a virtual passport' to monitor vast expanses of land in remote areas, including the Arctic tundra.

An illustration showing interactions between components of the AH10-7 compound (yellow), an immune system antigen presenting cell (gray) and an invariant natural killer T cell (green and blue) that spark activation of iNKT cells in “humanized” mice. (Image courtesy of Jose Gascon/UConn)

New Compound Helps Activate Cancer-Fighting T Cells

UConn researchers have identified mechanisms responsible for improved immune system activity, offering new approaches for more effective cancer treatments and vaccines.

Icon of Facebook, WhatsApp, and Messenger (Facebook's proprietary messaging app) alongside other social media apps on a Samsung Galaxy smartphone's touchscreen. (Erik Tham/Getty Images)

How Privacy Concerns Drive Website Business Models

Limiting online privacy intrusion may be best accomplished through the invisible hand of the market itself, says business professor Ram Gopal.