Research & Discovery

A senior woman stretching at a yoga studio. (Getty Images)

Yoga Helps Preserve Muscle Mass in Older Women, Study Says

Yoga group participants had lower body fat and higher muscle mass than those not practicing yoga. And, they tended to have better balance.

Health insurance paperwork. (Shutterstock Photo)

Health Insurance Plans ‘Too Complicated to Understand’

A new survey by the Health Disparities Institute of UConn Health shows that many patients across Connecticut are struggling to understand their complex, jargon-filled private health insurance plans.

Rachel O'Neill, professor of molecular and cell biology with Craig Obergfell, a research assistant, (beard) and Nathaniel Jue, a postdoctoral fellow examine a plate used for sequencing on Dec. 20, 2012. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Morphing Genomes Can Harm and Help

Imagine reading a blueprint that’s 3.2 billion pages long. That’s how many strands of DNA make up the human genome, which is being studied by geneticists like molecular & cell biology professor Rachel O’Neill.

Painful shoulder, computer artwork. (Getty Images)

Stem Cell Fabric Innovation Regrows Rotator Cuffs

A team of researchers from UConn Health has found a way to regenerate rotator cuff tendons after they’re torn, using a nano-textured fabric seeded with stem cells.

Rampi Ramprasad, professor of materials science and engineering, received a grant from the Toyota Research Institute. The project will involve design of functional polymers using advanced quantum mechanical computations and machine learning. Photo taken on March 30, 2017. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

UConn Joins Hunt for New Materials

UConn researcher Ramamurthy Ramprasad is working to identify new polymers as part of the Toyota Research Institute's new $35 million initiative using AI to accelerate materials science discovery.

More PSMA, more problems. Prostate cells with more prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) have more cancer cells (purple), growing in a more disorganized way, than the open ducts in a prostate whose cells have little PSMA. (Caromile and Shapiro/UConn Health Image)

Mark of Malignancy Identified in Prostate Cancer

Researchers at UConn Health have identified a protein that appears to indicate how aggressive a prostate cancer will be, potentially leading the way to new treatments.

Pathobiology professor Paulo Verardi began working to develop a vaccine for the Zika virus at the height of last year's outbreak in his native country Brazil. (Elizabeth Caron/UConn Photo)

Responding to a Crisis: A Vaccine for Zika

Pathobiology professor Paulo Verardi began working to develop a vaccine for the Zika virus at the height of last year's outbreak in his native country Brazil.

Cycles & Cyclones – Riding on the Wheels of Opportunity

There’s a storm brewing and Albert Einstein, famed physicist, caught wind of it.

Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii) with new leaves, flower buds, and berries. (Getty Images)

Invasive Japanese Barberry to Gain Ground with Climate Change

One of New England’s invasive species, Japanese barberry, will remain and flourish in new areas under predicted temperature increases, while the other, garlic mustard, will head north, says a new study.

The young and the useless. Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells like these never mature properly in patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis.

Sick Stem Cells Point to Better MS Drugs

UConn Health researchers think they know why a particularly aggressive form of multiple sclerosis has so far proved unresponsive to drug treatments. They hope this knowledge will help develop better treatments.