Republicans More Persuasive than Scientists on Climate Change
Regardless of political affiliation, people are more likely to believe facts about climate change when they come from Republicans speaking against what has become a partisan interest in this country, says a new UConn study.
April 18, 2018 | Kristen Cole
Horticulturist Wins Patents for Modified Black Chokeberry Cultivars
Prolific inventor and professor of horticulture Mark Brand was recently issued two patents for his novel black chokeberry plants. The new cultivars will be available in garden centers this spring.
April 11, 2018 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research
UConn Metanoia: Springing to Action for the Environment
On social media, search, post, and tag using #UConnMetanoia to share experiences and stay up-to-date.
April 6, 2018 | Elaina Hancock
Thorson’s Guide to Walden Pond
When UConn geologist Robert Thorson discovered there was no guidebook to one of America's most iconic places, he set out to write one himself.
April 5, 2018 | Kenneth Best
Piecing Together Our Planet Pixel by Pixel
UConn researcher Chandi Witharana is using remote sensing as 'a virtual passport' to monitor vast expanses of land in remote areas, including the Arctic tundra.
April 3, 2018 | Elaina Hancock
The Tragic Story of America’s Only Native Parrot
In a world that faces extinction on a scale not seen in the past 65 million years, some may wonder: Aren’t there more important things to study? Read what UConn postdoc Kevin Burgio says about why the Carolina parakeet matters.
March 28, 2018 | Kevin Burgio '10 (CLAS), Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Op-ed: While Mexico Plays Politics with Water, Some Cities Flood, Others Go Dry
Mexican officials frequently treat water distribution and treatment not as public services but as political favors, observes a UConn political scientist, based on her research.
March 15, 2018 | Veronica Herrera, Department of Political Science
New Method Unearths Climate Data from Ancient Soils
UConn researchers analyzed leaf wax compounds in soils to reconstruct ancient climates, with a view to better understanding the impact of future climate change.
March 2, 2018 | Elaina Hancock
Hunting is Changing Forests, But Not as Expected
The impact of hunting on rainforest ecosystems is less dire and more complex than previously expected, says a new study led by a UConn biologist.
February 15, 2018 | Elaina Hancock
Sourcing Contamination in Waterways
UConn Professor John Clausen is designing a system to identify upstream contamination sources so they can be addressed.
January 26, 2018 | Elaina Hancock