Reducing the Japanese Beetle Population
A UConn researcher recommends planting peonies to attract a parasitic wasp that preys on the beetle grubs.
June 18, 2015 | Patsy Evans, College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources
Study Points to Human Impact on Evolution of Freshwater Fish
A UConn study finds that recreational fishing may not be as benign as intended even when fish are returned to the water.
June 3, 2015 | Sheila Foran
Mountain Shape Affects Species’ Response to Climate Change
A new study by researchers at UConn and Princeton turns our idea of what mountains look like literally upside-down, with consequences for species extinctions.
May 18, 2015 | Christine Buckley
Regions at Greatest Risk for Species Extinction the Least Studied
Most previous studies have centered on North America and Europe, whereas South America, Australia, and New Zealand are at greatest risk for species loss.
April 30, 2015 | Sheila Foran
Diving for Data on Fish Populations
A UConn marine scientist is working in the waters off Costa Rica to build more accurate models of how fish may adapt to environmental changes.
April 9, 2015 | Tim Miller
Plants Aren’t in Lockstep When Responding to Environmental Changes
A UConn study shows that trait diversity in plants may result from individual responses to the environment, rather than – as is often assumed – being uniform across species.
March 31, 2015 | Sheila Foran
Young Conservationists Inspired to Tackle Community Projects
High school students who attended a conservation program at UConn last summer recently completed environmental service projects close to home.
March 19, 2015 | Sheila Foran
Evolving to Cope with Climate Change
A UConn marine sciences professor is measuring the potential of an important fish species to adapt to an increasingly acidic ocean.
March 5, 2015 | tmiller
Getting a Taste of a Sustainable Food System
Students in an Education Abroad program in Florence, Italy, gained a new perspective on sustainable foods and agriculture.
January 23, 2015 | Sheila Foran
Sailing the Mid-Century Arctic
Geographer Scott Stephenson is charting the possibilities for the future of Arctic shipping lanes under various climate change scenarios.
January 14, 2015 | Kim Krieger