Community Impact

Young Scientists Get Their Feet Wet With Project Oceanology

Project Oceanology gives young marine scientists a chance to explore their environment. (David Colberg/UConn Photo)

Garden Has Roots in the Community

A vegetable garden in Hartford is a collaboration between the Health Center and community partners.

Master gardener program at research farm on July 13, 2011.

Master Gardeners Thrive on Sharing Knowledge

These skilled gardeners volunteer their expertise in community settings across the state.

Coping with Climate Change

Connecticut's cities and towns are taking up the challenges of climate change at a local level.

Keeping the Planet Green and Blue

The TV show Aqua Kids filmed episodes with several faculty from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for its environmental theme. (George Stover/Adventure Productions)

Business School Program Helping Entrepreneurs Grow Companies

An entrepreneur with boundless energy is enlisting students to help fledgling firms.

Patent 7,955,128 is Not Just Any Number to Law School Clinic

First patent issued to client of UConn Law School clinic.

Neag Math Duo Decodes Language Barriers to Math Reasoning

Two education faculty developed ways to help English language learners solve math problems.

UConn Receives National Recognition for Community Service

The University was honored for its strong commitment to service.

Faculty Member’s Role as Community Pharmacist Represents New Era

Lisa Holle’s community outreach is a new model for the role of pharmacists in health care.