Hartford County

Kirk Valencis and his wife Dawn

Home for the Holidays: Massive Heart Attack Survivor Makes Miraculous Recovery at UConn Health

Thanks to a miracle on Farmington Avenue at UConn Health, Kirk Valencis will be spending Christmas with his family in Bristol

Group portrait, Project SEARCH Class of 2023

Project SEARCH Removes Obstacles to Employment

UConn Health continues to be a leader in preparing adults with disabilities for the workforce

Sarah Marze, a recipient of the 2023 Marshall Scholarship, poses for a photo in the Fine Arts Complex

Sarah Marze ’23 Named UConn’s Sixth Marshall Scholar

Marze is just one of 40 students nationally to earn this prestigious honor this year, and the only one from a public university in New England

Portrait of Nidhi Jayakumar Nair in Oak Hall

Nidhi Nair ’23 Named UConn’s First Schwarzman Scholar

Chosen from over 3,000 applicants, the economics major will join 150 fellow scholars in Beijing

Melinda Das, a tenth grader at Whetherfield High School and one of the contributors to the “Picturing the Pandemic” exhibition, speaks during the opening reception of the exhibition at the Hartford Public Library

Pandemic Journaling Project Continues to Grow and Develop

The record of thoughts and feelings collected from around the globe during the pandemic has hit the road with a multimedia exhibition at the Hartford Public Library through December 15

UConn Health Experts Weigh in on RSV Surge

Experts recommend continued vigilance to prevent spread of all respiratory illnesses, including influenza, COVID-19

smiling student near computer in lab

Raising Awareness of Malnutrition in One Connecticut Community and Beyond

Naniel Scott '23 (CAHNR) is using her knowledge of nutritional sciences to help the community improve the quality of their health

Finish line of Hartford Marathon

Allied Health Students Help Save Man Experiencing Heart Attack at Hartford Marathon

When a runner collapsed at the finish line of the Hartford Marathon, students from UConn's allied health program jumped to action and helped save his life

From left, campus director Dr. Jennifer Orlikoff, Husky Harvest student workers Djanne Martinez and Eden Davies, professor Laura Bunyan, and operations worker Rosa Rizzo pose for photo in the “Husky Harvest” food pantry at UConn Stamford

Husky Harvest Aims to Help Regional Campuses with Food Insecurity

Students, faculty, community groups, merchants, and others join together to address growing need

Lightning strikes over a city at night, illustrating the sudden and dangerous nature of so-called cytokine storms, potentially fatal episodes where inflammation-causing proteins flood the blood.

Grant Enhances Solar Energy, Storm Readiness Efforts

Eversource Energy Center associate director Junbo Zhao earns $4.4 million to develop transformative technologies and advance Connecticut’s preparedness and response to inclement weather