Human Rights Institute

Former medical students with Dr. Susan Levine.

Following in the Footsteps of Physicians for Human Rights

This fall UConn School of Medicine students are starting the UConn Immigration Rights Initiative (UIRI) to assist asylum seekers in their pursuit of safe haven in the U.S. Learn how their advocacy efforts have been guided by the internationally renowned Physicians for Human Rights, winners of the 2017 Dodd Prize who are set to be honored Nov. 2-3 at UConn and UConn Health.

Migrants queue to board buses and leave the notorious 'Jungle' camp in Calais, France, before authorities demolished the site in fall 2016 in Calais, France. Some 7,000 people were estimated to be living in the camp in squalid conditions. (Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

Social Conditions Play Major Role in Migrant Health

Health is about more than just individual behavior and clinical care, it’s about politics and power, say UConn medical anthropologists.

Cycles & Cyclones – Riding on the Wheels of Opportunity

There’s a storm brewing and Albert Einstein, famed physicist, caught wind of it.

Business and Human Rights - Stephen Park, professor of business law, presents recommendations to the U.N. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Geneva, Switzerland on Feb. 21 (UConn School of Business)

Business and Human Rights

When a United Nations committee met last month in Geneva, Switzerland, to prepare new guidance on business and human rights, six UConn faculty offered suggestions to bolster the international treaty.

Resisting The “Wheels of History” – Rupture and Remembrance in Cambodian American Memory Work

The wheel of history is inexorably turning: he who cannot keep pace with it shall be crushed." – Khmer Rouge Saying.

A Syrian physician being trained how to document evidence of torture. (Physicians for Human Rights Photo)

Doctors’ Group to Receive UConn’s Dodd Prize in Human Rights

Physicians for Human Rights, which uses science and medicine to combat abuses and atrocities, will accept the award on Nov. 2.


Furthering the Study of Human Rights in Business

Business law professor Stephen Park and UConn colleagues have been awarded a $265,000 research grant under UConn's Academic Plan to investigate ways to protect and promote human rights in the business world.

Attendees at the 2016 Intellectual Humility in Secondary Education Summer Institute discuss their beliefs on what causes genocide at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center on Aug. 1, 2016. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Moving the Conversation Forward

Twenty schoolteachers are on campus this week to learn how to help their students discuss complex issues in productive ways.

Writ of habeas corpus issued for James Somerset (‘James Summersett’), Nov. 28, 1771, by Lord Mansfield, Chief Justice of the King’s Bench. (Copyright The National Archives, United Kingdom)

A Judgment on Behalf of Humanity

Habeas corpus is more than just a protection against imprisonment, says Sarah Winter in research supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Girls carry heavy baskets of rock at a gravel quarry. (Robin Romano/UConn Archives & Special Collections)

UConn Receives $4 Million for Human Rights Initiatives

The gift, coupled with an additional $2 million raised by the UConn Foundation, will fund scholarships, fellowships, internships, and support for signature programs.